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Stoke Afloat Croatia Sailing

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    FIRST RELEASE: €850 for a limited time
    Split to Dubrovnik

    Votre croisière en voilier en Croatie avec Stoke Travel

    Un voyage d’une semaine en Croatie, entre fêtes, activités et nature ! 

    Rejoignez-nous sur Facebook : Stoke Afloat Croatia Cruise Facebook Event #stoketravel #getstoked

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    Two options: Split to Dubrovnik or Dubrovnik to Split. Our routes around the Adriatic depend on the weather and we go where the wind blows, but Croatia in Summer… we promise it’s nowhere too bad!

    Split Meeting point:
    Biberon Caffee
    Obala kneza Domagoja 7, 21000
    Split, Croatia

    Meet at noon, out the back terrace area


    NOTE: Arrive at your departure city the day prior to your departure, we have a strict check-in time and we cannot wait. 

    Fly to us
    The best way to do it is to fly into the small and wonderful Split Airport, also known as Resnik it is a small international airport only has one runway and one terminal, so pretty easy to find your way around. Stoke likes to fly with Easyjet or Vueling, or whoever else is looking the cheapest on Skyscanner.

    There are direct Airport Buses that go to Split Main Bus station they take 30-40 minutes and cost around €4. From there hop in a taxi to the boat.

    To locate the Taxi rank you leave the arrivals Hall via the main exit and just outside is the queue for the taxis. To get to the city centre it costs around 300 Kuna. 

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    • 7 nights twin bunk accommodation
    • 12 meals (six breakfasts and six lunches or dinners)
    • Cabins with wash basin
    •  Bed linen, power socket & pillows
    • Central Aircon system in saloon and downstairs hall
    • 3 common wetrooms with toilet and shower for all guests
    • Wifi (may be patchy at times)
    • Sun deck with loungers
    • Daily swim stops (and floaties to enjoy them with)
    • Music system for common spaces with tunes all-day
    • Drinking water
    • Tourist tax 
    • Captain, two crew members, and chef on board


    • Unlimited beer and sangria for only €15 per day (1 – 10pm)
    • Private room upgrade €330
    • Stoke tee €15

    Additional activities (based off 2023 availability and pricing)

    • Ziplining or Rafting – €40/€100
    • Inflatable Water Park – €10
    • Eco farm Peka dinner – €35 – €50 
    • National Parks entrance €25
    • Kayaking €25
    • Entrance to the Museums €5/ €7
    • Game of Thrones walking tour – the city walls in Dubrovnik €35
    • Budget for some of the iconic higher-end clubs’ – like Carpe Diem in Hvar, or Revelin in Dubrovnik – entry and drink prices 

    Rough Cost of dinner on the Islands:
    Dinner: €10 each if you’re on a budget, €18 each for a mid-range restaurant, €35 each for something higher-end.

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    Don’t forget 

    • Arrive to Split the day prior to your departure, strict check-in time and we will be departing port on the day.
    • Comfy clothes for the adventurous shit like ziplining, rafting & kayaking
    • Walking shoes to explore the beautiful cities of Croatia.
    • Your very best party mood
    • Please send your first and last name and passport details to info@stoketravel.com 1 week prior to the trip due to tourist laws
    • Cash is key – and you’ll need some to tip your crew at the end of your trip

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    ce que vous devriez savoir

    • En Croatie la monnaie est la Kuna : 1 € = 7,5 HRK environ
    • Pour seulement 10 € par jour, vous avez accès à notre open bar de 13h à 22h, avec bière et sangria à volonté
    • Le déjeuner et le dîner ne sont pas compris dans le package, mais nous avons pleins de bonnes adresses pas chers
    • Comptez une dizaine d’euros pour un plat principal au restaurant, et environ 5 € pour un fast food
    • Nous prévoyons 2L d’eau potable par personne et par jour sur le bateau
    • La literie est incluse
    • N’oubliez pas votre serviette de plage

    Votre guide sur place : Tessa, joignable sur WhatsApp au +34 674 798 558

    Contacter le Service Client : +34 625 304 703 ou dans le cas où Tessa n’est pas disponible, sur WhatsApp au +34 677 603 880

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    Équipements à bord 

    • Cabine double (lit superposé)
    • Toilettes
    • Douches
    • Wifi
    • Air conditionné
    • Bar
    • Transats
    • Musique
    • Skipper, matelots et cuisinier

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    notre guide pour voyager en toute sécurité

    Lorsqu’on voyage en groupe avec de nouveaux compagnons de voyage, dans les destinations les plus festives du monde, certaines règles de bonne conduite sont à respecter pour faire la fête en toute sécurité, et convivialité ! 

    1. Buvez beaucoup d’eau
      Vos parents ne vous ont-ils pas dit qu’il était important de rester hydraté en plein été ? Ajoutez à cela des bières et des sangrias sous le soleil, ça risque de faire mal le lendemain. Pour éviter la gueule de bois, pensez à boire beaucoup d’eau tout au long de la journée et de la soirée.   
    2. N’oubliez pas de manger !
      On dépense beaucoup plus d’énergie lorsqu’on fait la fête et tout un tas d’activités, que lorsqu’on reste assis derrière son bureau. Alors pour garder la forme jusqu’au bout de la nuit, veillez à ne pas sauter les repas et à manger suffisamment. 
    3. Soyez respectueux
      C’est excitant de faire de nouvelles rencontres, mais rejoindre un groupe de voyageurs signifie également s’adapter aux autres et être poli. Ne soyez pas lourd, c’est les vacances après tout !
    4. Non veut dire non.
      De même, lorsqu’on voyage entre célibataires, de nombreuses occasions sont bonnes pour les rapprochements. Avoir le consentement de l’autre avant d’aller plus loin est vraiment vraiment important.
    5. Aidez les autres
      Lorsque vous voyagez avec Stoke Travel, vous rejoignez une grande famille de fêtards et de baroudeurs. Si vous voyez quelqu’un passer un mauvais moment, trop d’alcool peut-être, donnez lui un coup de main et prévenez le staff Stoke Travel.

    Nos guides et toute l’équipe de Stoke Travel sont là pour vous aider et vous faire passer un séjour inoubliable. Nous sommes là pour vous à tout moment, n’hésitez pas à venir vous voir.

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    ce qu’il faut ramener

    • Votre pièce d’identité
    • Des vêtements chauds (il peut faire un peu frais en soirée et sur le bateau)
    • Une veste de pluie (tout peut arriver…)
    • Des vêtements confortables pour les activités de type tyrolienne, randonnée, kayak…
    • Votre plus belle tenue de soirée
    • Maillot de bain, crème solaire, lunettes de soleil
    • Votre appareil photo / Smartphone
    • Chargeurs (il y a des prises européennes à bord)
    • Une serviette de plage 
    • Des tongues et des chaussures d’eau si vous avez
    • Des chaussures confortables (pour la ville et la randonnée)
    • Une trousse de toilette
    • Des préservatifs (mieux vaut prévoir que guérir non ?)
    • Une gourde isotherme
    • Masque et tuba si vous voulez faire du snorkelling 

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    Guide Vidéo

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    This is based on our 2023 itinerary – some changes to the schedule will be made depending on availability in the 2024 season. All docking locations and timing is subject to change depending on weather conditions and port availability.

    The day prior to departure, your guide will add you to a group chat with your fellow shipmates! Here we’ll give definite check-in details.

    Day 1: Split

    Welcome aboard!

    Check in at 12 noon, before the first voyage, and when the boat is ready for us we’ll get onboard , get a welcome drink and a speech about the crew, ship rules and a general rundown of itinerary. The afternoon is yours to explore, whether it be the Diocletian Palace, which is 1700 years old, HNK Hajduk Split Stadium, the famous Marijan hill, from where you can see the whole town and island. Or just relax on your new floating home. We’ll have a family welcome dinner either on board or at a local restaurant, to pad our stomachs before the first big night out! The party starts onboard (enjoy that free booze) and moves to Charlie’s Backpacker’s Bar, before continuing to an open air club near the port.

    Day 2: Omis/Makarska

    We leave Split early in the morning and head toward Omis for some fun – opting for either ziplining across 8 cables up to 150m up, or rafting down the river Cetina. We’ll arrive early afternoon in Makarska, with ample time for exploring or adventuring, stopping for a swim along the way. Take in the coastline from a rented Kayak, or oil yourself up to slide around the inflatable waterpark! Get a good feed in ya’ for the big night ahead in Makarska at a cave bar!

    Day 3: Stari Grad

    This morning we set sail to Stari Grad, with a swim stop along the way of course. Arriving mid-afternoon there is time to throw yourself off some cliffs, swim in the bay or even get your junk out at a nudist beach, whatever floats your boat. This night is reserved for an amazing Eco Farm dinner and wine night, taking in stellar views and getting adequately sloshed.

    Day 4: Hvar

    We arrive in Hvar for lunchtime, but it’s impossible to go to harbour till about 19:00. The boat will be anchored offshore at a relaxing swim location and we will take a taxi boat into town and head up to the Spanjola fortress for a beautiful view before heading down for some beach time or seaside cocktails. We could take it chill and take a dip at Hula Hula Beach Club, and maybe later that night head to explore an alleyway of bars starting at Kiva bar, or head to SEVEN bar for welcome shots and a fire show. Either way, all roads lead to an all-night party at Carpe Diem, the famed techno club based on the island just in front of the harbour.

    Day 5: Korčula

    We’ll arrive in Korčula harbour around 3pm, giving us enough time to visit the disputed house of Marco Polo and explore old town, or chill out on the ship’s sun deck, before perhaps heading to a dinner on Tramonto’s terrace, overlooking Korčula’s harbour. To start the party, we’ll head to Deja Vu, an outdoor bar run by “Crazy Niki,” before continuing on to Dos Locos, where you can show off your hidden talents on the stripper poles, and if that still isn’t enough you can head for a boogie at Jungle afterwards.

    Day 6: National Park Mljet

    Early departure to one of the seven National parks in Croatia, the island of Mljet, with a swim stop along the way. We’ll take an afternoon to stroll along the lakes on the island, swim in the saltwater lakes or even hire a scooter. The popular choice, and highlight of most people’s trips, is bombing off some cliffs and venturing to a hidden caves and grottos. Later we’ll drop the anchor offshore, have dinner on board and kickstart our party! Tonight the party doesn’t stop until the last man goes to bed, blast that music, drink the bar dry and even jump in for a skinny dip!

    Day 7: Dubrovnik Pearl of the Adriatic

    We’ll arrive in Dubrovnik around lunch time, so that you have all day to explore the old town and jump from the famous cliffs outside of the old city walls. The afternoon is your own, walk around the old town city walls, take a Game of Thrones tour, or rent a kayak to take it all in from the sea. A farewell dinner with your new family tonight, and then go on to what is famed as one of the best disco bars in Croatia, the Culture Club, Revelin, situated in a fortress in the walls of old town.

    Day 8: Dubrovnik

    It’s an early breakfast, and then unfortunately, it’s time to say goodbye until our next grand voyage together. You’ll disembark at 8:30am



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