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    USIT | Springfest Vs. Oktoberfest

    Posted by Stoke Media Team
    9 years ago | April 8, 2016

    USIT | Springfest Vs. Oktoberfest

    USIT is already a fan of Springfest and Oktoberfest and therefore even made the competition Springfest vs. Oktoberfest!

    Germany. A mass of central land known for many things, rich in history, steeped in legally observed Pure Beer; the German man is a native known for vacationing and lavishing himself on sunny beaches in countries they may soon purchase. However there is a land in the south of Germany, a former Kingdom, known as Bavaria; in which the German natives take precious time off in their own country but twice a year for two of the largest festivals in the world, steeped in history and, once again, lavished with legally pure beer. This is about Springfest vs. Oktoberfest.

    Depending on when in the year you are backpacking around Europe you may be around southern Germany in April or September, and you may find yourself arriving during one of these festivals.

    Do not go! They are violently entertaining, hedonistic displays of ridiculousness the likes of which I hope you should never witness nor experience yourself.

    However if you’re a freewheeling, devil-may-care, throw myself and the caution to the wind type… well… you may want to choose which of these two festivals you attend.

    Both are held in the world famous Theresenweise in the Southern wealthy capital of Bavaria, Munich. Which is best? Many have tried to answer this question, and none have remembered to tell the tale. Will you be able bodied?

    Here we have it, choose which appeals most to you. Bookies are taking your bets now. Forget Pacquiao vs. Mayweather. This is Springfest vs. Oktoberfest. And they don’t just hug for the whole fight.

    The fans are clamouring for beer, the season is ready to begin with the tapping of the keg by the Mayor of Munich. One thing is sure, there will be a party.

    Would you like to read the whole blog post? Of course you do, it is amazing! Check it out here:

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