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    A Little Gossip And A Bottle Of Booze On The Boat


    Posted by Stoke Media Team
    9 years ago | April 8, 2016

    A Little Gossip And A Bottle Of Booze On The Boat

    Hey Stokies, Gossip Bitch here

    Manager of Barcelona Vibes decided to go as a pregnant lesbian this year… Trick? or Treat? Congratulations on the success of your artificial insemination! She thought she’d surprise the office Monday morning with her gossip, but truth is, some of us already knew. I think art maven Jolanta said she could just smell it. I guess it wasn’t the cum tree smell we thought we were sniffing about Muntaner lately.

    Monday morning. Why must you torture the poor inhabitants of the world, and especially Barcelona? It’s hard enough trying to piece together the happenings that transpired over the weekend. I could have sworn I saw the pig on the boat macking out with the bunny (or was it the zombie?) I can’t exactly remember. But I for sure saw the blonde cat with Casanova Sex. Whoops typo, I meant Tex. I’m not really in the mood to be compassionate about hiding your identities this time. You had all weekend to hide from me with your masks and paintings and whatnot, and as a convenience to you all, I was a little bit too impaired for my own good. Lucky for you. I won’t be too generous next time. Ms. Powell, where did you go? Heard you snuck off to Benedict. Let’s keep that one a secret, as a goodbye gift to you. But let’s just say she wasn’t paying for any of her drinks there.
    And about the rest of you that didn’t make it to BLING BLING?! Shame on you. I was waiting for you all with open ears and eager eyes ! I even had a camera to capture all your lovely scandal moments :/

    Trick or treat, be discreet, email me for something sweet I love to hear it all.

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