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    Stoke’s Favorite #kookslams (And How To Avoid Them)


    Posted by Stoke Media Team
    8 years ago | January 13, 2017

    Stoke’s Favorite #kookslams (And How To Avoid Them)

    We’ve seen a fair few #kooks out in the water over the years, but don’t worry – we’ve all been there. And if you’ve ever fucked up half as dramatically as one of these guys, then you’re probably (deep down) a bit of a secret surf god/goddess. That said – you know what’s better than bravely taking waves/sand/rocks to the face? Surfing is (you know, like, actually riding a wave). But that wouldn’t satisfy your inner sadist, would it? Read on for a blow by blow analysis of the following #kookslams…


    As you can see, this valiant sand connoisseur has 20/20 vision when it comes to wave selection (although it may be lower now). Not only has he picked the perfect type of wave to learn on, but he’s also managed to plunge himself straight into the sand. Beautiful body positioning, silky style – it’s a work of art, it really is. And the cameraman…  it’s almost as if he was expecting something like this to happen…


    This one looks to be the result of a minor miscommunication, or could also just be two friends getting a little too close? Someone hilarious in the comments made the joke “this seat is taken” – which is better than anything I can come up with – so there’s your quip.


    This is the all encompassing guide to exiting the surf. Especially when you have an audience, as this guy does (and as you will have too – at our San Sebastian surf camp) it is important to exit the surf with panache, looking as calm and collected as possible. Or maybe he just loves rocks?


    Timing is everything… But don’t worry – on all Stoke Surfaris we help you avoid situations like this – and our instructors are alwayyyys willing to demonstrate what not to do – for your enjoyment.


    “When you spot your ex at the bottom of the boogie hill.” This one is extra curricular, but definitely a bona fide #kookslam…


    When you try take your girlfriend surfing… “It’s fun – I promise!”.


    “I got soooo barrelled out there man…”. Watch the unerringly perfect line he draws up and over the falls.


    If you want to avoid ending up with someone sitting on your head, getting well acquainted with the rocks, or ploughing head first into the sand – then hit up our San Sebastian surf camp or Surf Safari – beginner friendly, booze friendly – and just all round good fun. Picture golden sandy beaches, scantily clad men and women, gentle waves, and experienced instructors to get you moving up through the levels so that you can (eventually) go off and explore the more advanced waves.




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