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    the art of solo travelling according to Stoke Travel


    Posted by Stoke Media Team
    7 years ago | July 3, 2018

    the art of solo travelling according to Stoke Travel

    The word solo is one of those words that people associate with lonely, and no one in their right mind wants to feel lonely. But, just because we do things solo doesn’t mean we’re lonely. In fact, it’s been proven somewhere that solo traveling is the perfect way to meet new people that you would have never considered talking to if you and your mates were on a holiday together.  Here at Stoke, we’ve perfected the art of heading out into this beautiful and magical world and conquering it all by ourselves. So if you’re on the fence, we’re here to give you some direction to your solo escapades that are bound to happen this summer.

    Fuck the hotels and get the hostel

    Every person anywhere that plans on traveling has probably heard from their friend, family, exes – whoever – that they should ditch the hotels and kick it in a hostel. There are too many easy reasons for this suggestion:

    1. Money, obviously. You’ll most likely be paying less than half the price. Some hostels (depending on where you end up) can cost as low as five fucken euros a night. Stupid cheap.
    2. Local viewpoint of the city. The loving volunteers and employees at the hostel know the best of the best of the city. They are charming, informative, and can lead in a direction you never thought you would take.
    3. New mates! Lots of like-minded young soul seeking, thrill searching, backpacking hooligans find themselves at hostels. It’s the perfect recipe to dive into a new friendship, and take a quick break from your solo duties.
    Know the basics

    Knowing a simple please, thank you, and, may I have a beer,  in another language can take you a lot farther than you would think. In case you weren’t aware, manners and being polite are a worldwide phenomenon. At Stoke, we offer three things that are free and unlimited: beer, sangria, and manners. Let’s get our manners and shit together you guys.

    Get chatty

    Channel your inner strength to actually talk to other human beings around you. Believe it or not, every human being has some sort of knowledge to offer whether you want to believe that or not. Locals are a great source of information, as long as you have some previous experience with the language being spoken. They always know where to send people off to, or if you’re lucky, they will find you fascinating enough and ask you to tag along. It’s a win win either way.

    Maybe take a book

    Totally your preference, but we know that long layovers and trains and whatever else can be a bit of a bitch when you don’t have anyone to chat with. Sure, you’ll have social media. But how many times can you scroll through the ‘Gram and the ‘Book? We know it’s a lot, but sometimes it’s nice to take a step back from social media and just take your mind off things. A favourite book of yours can definitely do the trick in this case.

    Weird things

    It’s the perfect chance to go do some weird things that only you like and appreciate. We don’t know what your cup of tea is, but whatever the fuck it is, go do it. You’ll have no one nagging and annoying you, saying that you have to go do this and at that time with these people. We should all take a little bit more time out of our days to do what we fucken want.


    Now that you’re more ready than ever for your summer full of solo adventures, take your experience to the next level and treat yourself to some of the upgrades that are always offered with us at Stoke!

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