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    Where to Watch the 2018 World Cup: Barcelona


    Posted by Stoke Media Team
    7 years ago | June 11, 2018

    Where to Watch the 2018 World Cup: Barcelona

    So you’re wondering where to watch World Cup 2018 in Barcelona, are ya? We’re not surprised.  I mean, you clicked the link, and it’s also one of the most watched television events in the world. Being so popular, especially in Spain, most bars and pubs will be screening the games, but there’s only one way to watch the games Stoke style.  Here’s some reasons to join us at our Barcelona location to catch all the World Cup action this summer.

    Where to watch:

    • A friendly Irish Pub in the heart of Barcelona’s Gothic neighborhood.  We’ll send you an email with the exact location so the bar doesn’t fill up with non-Stoke types looking for a deal.

    Middle of the Barcelona Action

    We all know that Spain’s going to clean up this year.  Our World Cup 2018 watch party is tucked in the Gothic quarter, right in the heart of central Barcelona, which is going to be the happiest place on earth each time Spain takes another W.  When you watch with us, you’ll be in prime location to flood the streets, chanting, shirt over your head. Either that or you’ll be present to witness the Spaniards drown their sorrows in as many cocktails as they can get their hands on.  Like we always say, win or lose, we booze.  And obviously, anytime we’re boozing is a win for us.

    Shweet Deals

    I don’t care how big a fan you are, let’s be real for a second.  Whatever team you’re rooting for, however much your personal happiness is wrapped up in the game at hand, don’t try to pretend the match isn’t a little better with a drink in hand. All sports are.  And we’ll be serving up World Cup drink specials for every game. That’s right, you get discounts just for being a sportsfan! What’s more, every ticket includes a plate of chicken wings, a pitcher of beer, and two shots.  Just imagine yourself sitting somewhere else: it’s halftime, you’ve been knocking back beers but they aren’t quite filling you up, and you’re getting hungry. Problem is, so is everybody else in the pub.  Maybe you’ll get your meal before the game’s over.  Or maybe next time you’ll be smart enough to watch with us and get a plate of wings whenever you want them.

    Sideline Entertainment

    To be honest, we don’t give a fuck who wins.  Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing a Stokie loves more than a bit of healthy competition.  Jeering, boasting, shit-talking, we love it all. But we’re more concerned with having a good time than whose team is winning.  No matter the score, pop in to Stoke’s watch party and chances are you’ll be lucky enough to catch us getting rowdy. The World Cup is great and all, but who doesn’t love a bit of live entertainment?  We’ll be turning up for the big matches to host World Cup 2018 themed games, hold contests and giveaways, and just get generally weird. Don’t worry, we won’t distract you from the action, unless you want us to.

    Follow Stoke Barcelona on Facebook for all of our World Cup 2018 announcements, events and giveaways.  

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