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Bulls, Barrels and Vino

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    June 27 - July 9
    Bulls, Barrels, & Vino


    Join our Bulls, Barrels & Vino Facebook Event! #stoketravel #getstoked

    This road trip takes you through the north of Spain on an adrenaline infused mad dash, that begins in San Vino Wine Fight, at the biggest wine fight possible. After this we head to San Sebastian surf camp, for some days spent either lazing under the sun, or shredding in thesurf. And finally to Pamplona and witness and perhaps participate in the world’s most (in)famous Spanish fiesta, San Fermines, or the running of the bulls. And go out with a bang at the one and only Stoked in the Park. For more information including an itinerary please check out our Festival Road trip Itineraries Doc.


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    Haro 26200, La Rioja


    Check GoEuro for the best deals on flights, buses and trains. If you fly choose either Bilbao or Biarritz airports and from there are direct buses into San Sebastian. Once you arrive in San Sebastian there are regular trains and buses direct to Haro. Meet us at our San Vino Campsite in Haro on June 27 or Ride with Us from Barcelona or San Sebastian on June 28 – to book get in contact with us at info@stoketravel.com and we’ll do the hard yards for you!

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    What’s Included

    • 3 nights camping accommodation at our San Vino campsite in Haro (pre-erected, twin share tent w/ mattress and sleeping bag) or 2 nights with transport from San Sebastian or Barcelona (€30 surcharge for Barcelona).
    • Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily at our San Vino campsite (all dietary can be catered for, email us info@stoketravel.com)
    • Buses to wine fight
    • Red wine for throwing at wine fight
    • Transfer from San Vino campsite to San Sebastian Surf House on June 30
    • 5 nights Stoke surf house dorm accommodation (bedding included)
    • Daily 2 hour surf lessons with wetsuit and board included
    • Experienced surf guides and transfers to local beach break
    • Local activities, awesome nights and campsite parties
    • Daily yoga class with a qualified instructor, free access to yoga mats
    • Free access to onsite equipment including skimboards, skateboards, half pipe, slackline, beach games and poi balls
    • Transfer from San Sebastian Surf House to Pamplona Running of the Bulls Campsite on 5 July
    • Entry to Stoked in the Park (7 – 8 July)


    • Unlimited beer and sangria (€10/day)
    • Traditional red and white clothes (€30) Pamplona walking tour (€25 – Half price Stoke special, normally €50!)
    • Solo tent upgrade (€20/night)
    • Glamping upgrade info@stoketravel.com.
    • June 28 bus from Barcelona €30

    To book this package email info@stoketravel.com.

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    Don’t Forget

    • When you arrive, follow the signs to the Stoke Travel check in desk.
    • There isn’t an ATM at the campsite, so grab your cash before you arrive.
    • Phone charging is available at our guru tent for €1. This is cash only. Our charging stations are often at capacity. We’d recommend bringing a portable charger to ensure your phone stays charged, so you can get all those snaps!
    • Tents are allocated on arrival. If you want to be in the same tent as your friend please check in together.
    • If you are travelling solo we will tent you with someone of the same sex.
    • We can cater for dietary requirements, please email us at info@stoketravel.com

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    Be A Guru (Should knows):

    • Unlimited beer and sangria (€10/day)
    • Traditional red and white clothes (€30)
    • Solo tent upgrade (€20/night)
    • Pamplona walking tour (€25 – Half price Stoke special, normally €50!)
    • Solo tent upgrade (€20/night)
    • Glamping upgrade (Bulls campsite only)
    • June 28 bus from Barcelona €30

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    • Camping accommodation (pre-erected twin share tent w/sleeping bag and mattress) in Haro and Pamplona.
    • Dorm-style accommodation at our San Sebastian Surf House.
    • Shared Bathrooms on site 

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    *If at any time you feel unsafe, please don’t hesitate to contact the onsite Noble Security team, or any member of the Stoke Travel crew who will radio for security.

    As far as situations go, a Stoke Travel trip is amongst the safest. Unlike in the ‘real’ world, everybody here seems intent on having a good time and doing so with new and old friends – your fellow Stokies are way more likely to hold your hair back when you puke than lift your wallet.

    That being so, we’re more in danger of hurting ourselves while on a Stoke Travel trip than falling foul of our fellow travellers. Here’s a quick little guide to partying safe with Stoke Travel.


    1. Drink plenty of water.
      You’re going to drink plenty of beer and sangria, and you’re going to have a plenty big hangover, but you can really limit it by smashing a few cups of water throughout the day and evening.
    2. Eat!
      We’re going to hook you up with a hearty breakfast and dinner, and as the bare minimum that should keep your stomach lined and engine running. Do not skip these two meals, even if you are suffering horrifically from one of the aforementioned hangovers. We also strongly advise getting a lunch in there too, maybe even every day.
    3. Zip your tent up when you’re in it and when you leave it.
      Seems basic, but you’d be surprised how often drunk us forgets to do this. When you get in your tent of a night make sure you zip it up to prevent unexpected rain showers from disturbing your slumber. Same goes for when you leave your tent. It’ll take two seconds tops to zip it up, but that might save you from wet clothes, chafe, and maybe even pneumonia. If you also brought your favourite pair of socks and want to make sure they are safe, you are able to purchase a lock from the guru tent for only 5€.
    4. Don’t be a creep.
      Like, seriously, has that ever worked out for you? Similarly, if you see somebody being a creep and making people uncomfortable let us know and we’ll have a friendly word to them. Sometimes they just don’t realise how gross they are.
    5. No means no, but more than that consent matters.
      At a very basic level if you hit on somebody and they say no then you’ve just got to cop that. They’re just not that into you, sucks for about three seconds, but you’re literally surrounded by hundreds of young, like-minded travellers. Suck it up and move on. And when you do find somebody who’s into you and you want to move through the bases, make sure you get consent. It really, really, really, really, really does matter.  
    6. If you see somebody having a bad time, make sure they’re ok.
      We are all brothers and sisters and gender non-specific relations out here, so if you see somebody struggling in any way check on them, grab a Stoke staff member and just do what any decent human being would do.

    Staying safe at Stoke Travel is super easy, but sometimes we get a little out of control and forget the basics. If you ever find yourself in any kind of situation do not hesitate to contact Stoke staff, or security, and we’ll sort you out immediately. We’re here to help – help you have the best time possible. Mwah.

    Emma – Customer Service Manager : +34 625 304 703,

    Stoke Barcelona Office: +34 937 370 373

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    What to Bring

    • Your best party shirt
    • Warm clothes (it can get a bit chilly at night)
    • Condoms (better safe than sorry, right?)
    • Portable phone charger
    • ​A pillow if your backpack won’t do.
    • Swimsuit (for beach sports!)
    • Towel

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    June 27: Haro

    Haro, is located in La Rioja, which is Spain, and maybe the world’s, number one red-wine making region. If you’ve opted to meet us at our San Vino campsite, check in and find your tents ready to rock and our welcome BBQ preparation underway. We’ll spend our day chilling by the pool, lazing under the trees and enjoy the unlimited beer and sangria on offer for just €10 per day. Our San Vino campsite parties are legendary and when our open bar closes you might want to head into town to get loose with the locals.


    June 28: Barcelona and Haro

    If you’ve opted to jump on our private coach to Haro from Barcelona, meet us centrally in the AM, check in and hop aboard, we’re going to wine country baby!


    We’ll spend the day max-chillin’ in the Spanish sunshine, working on our tans and working out our livers. In the night we’ll go into the town square where live bands and DJs play all night, and the locals party with them. This is going to be a belter. Can you last the distance? Tomorrow is a very big day, after all.

    June 29: Haro – San Vino

    After an early hot breakfast, we head up to the vineyard on the hill where the wine fight takes place. This party is very straightforward, we throw wine on each other and the locals all morning, until we’re stained purple and we’re a little drunk again (it seems to get in through the skin). After the wine fight the locals BBQ local meats and snails (snails!) and eat cheese and drink more wine, before heading into town, where the locals throw themselves in front of young bulls just for fun. You’ll probably be asleep by now (that’s a challenge).


    June 30: Haro – San Sebastian

    Through your purple-stained eyelids awake to a hot breakfast before jumping on the bus to our San Sebastian Surf Camp, on the other side of the mountains and by the sea, where the view will make your eyes weep and the beer is always cold (we have wine, too, if you still want wine, you purple little legends). Afternoon surf? 100%. And our professional and professionally fun surf guides will make sure you get the lessons you need for your level, as well as guide you into the best waves. Boards and lessons are included in the price, and once you’ve filled your face with salt water and your hair with sand we’ll retreat back to our Surf Casa for a kickass dance party.

    July 1: San Sebastian

    Rise with the sun coming over the Basque Pyrenees and check the surf. The morning wind still hasn’t come up, and the air is warm. Breakfast is consumed with talk of the day’s conditions and your guides are working out the best spot for you. Hit the beach with your lunch packed and settle in for a day of surfing, sunning and beach gaming, a day where your eyes will be assaulted by the naked and semi-naked sun worshippers in a positive and negative way. That night you can see the locals with clothes on when we head down into town to drink the local drinks and dance the local dances.


    July 2 & 3: San Sebastian

    Surf’s up, again… So let’s hit the sand and shred. Or perhaps you want to go into San Sebastian and take selfies from all the vantage points and eat all the delicious tapas. Back at the house, after today’s session(s), we’ll retreat to the hillside where we can watch the sun dip her fiery toes into the Bay of Biscay. Millions of beers and sangrias optional and included (if you want to part with the €10 a day surcharge aka the best deal in the universe).


    July 4: San Sebastian – 4th of July

    We’ll be toasting our red, white and freedom flavoured friend’s from across the Atlantic in central San Sebastian. Join an international crowd of bassline junkies, lunatic Australian travellers, European surfers and Basque party animals. We’ll be celebrating ‘Merica all night long, with more bars per square metre than anywhere else in the world, San Sebastian is the spot.


    July 5: San Sebastian – Pamplona

    Enjoy your final morning in the surf house, devouring a delicious breakfast before jumping on our bus to Pamplona for your stay at Stoke’s Running of the Bulls campsite. Arrive at camp, and head straight to the pool, top up your tan or take some time to relax floating down the river nearby.


    July 6: Pamplona – The Chupinazo (Running of the Bulls Opening Ceremony)

    You’ll head to the Chupinazo for it’s official midday start. A rocket is launched over Pamplona’s main square, where you’ll be partying with thousands of locals and tourists alike, singing, dancing & drinking in the street. There’s a giant red wine fight, that outbreaks throughout the city, with the fiesta continuing well into the early hours of the morning and well the entirety of the San Fermin festival. You may choose to stay in town, getting friendly with some locals, or head back to camp for dinner and an early night ready for tomorrow’s first bull run


    July 7: Pamplona – The First Bull Run & Stoked in the Park

    Up early and into town for the bull run. Whether you’re taking part or not, whether you’re morally opposed to it or not, you’ve got to check it out while you’re here. Our campsite buses will take you into town, and our guides will bring you to the bull run, and give you some well needed tips and tricks. You can watch from anywhere along the Encierro (bull run) or if you just want to see juvenile bulls take down drunks (nobody gets hurt except for the drunks and their ego) they’ll point you in the direction of the Plaza de Toros.


    When the last of the all-nighters have packed up in Pamplona and the excitement from the bull run is winding down or bulls campsite is winding up! With our own miniature 2-day “festival within a festival,” ‘Stoked in the Park’. In our own little nod to the Patron Saint of Pamplona (Saint Fermin) at our Bulls campsite in a culmination of live music, food, drink, sports and games. Take advantage of our unlimited beer and sangria for €10 per day and dance up a storm into the early hours of the morning.

    Saturday, July 8: Pamplona – Stoked in the Park

    Did you run yesterday and want to run again today? Do it! Did you not run yesterday, but everyone said that you totalllly should have, so now you’re going to run today? How cool! Maybe you ran yesterday and realised that it’s incredibly stupid and never want to do anything like that again… You’re not alone. Maybe you partied a little too hard last night and the thought of getting up before dawn is daunting? The point is, Pamplona is your oyster, and with Stoke you’re guaranteed to find that oyster to be delicious.


    That night party at camp with Stoked in the Park round #2 kicking off, featuring with more live music, more unlimited booze and more bulls-beating babes.  


    July 9: Pamplona

    Now’s the time for your Bulls, Barrels and Vino adventure to end, check out and move to your next destination (Is Ibiza Beach Camp or Barcelona City Break calling your name?)If you’ve only just ignited your thirst for adrenaline you can choose to stay on longer in Pamplona, join us at the Bilbao BBK Live music festival or say see you later to Stoke and meet us later in the summer at La Tomatina or Oktoberfest, por que no los dos?

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