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The Spanish

Party with beautiful people, at the best spots along the beautiful Mediterranean
coastline, pausing only to hurl tomatoes at their gorgeous faces.


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    The Spanish

    Party with the beautiful people, at the best spots along the beautiful Mediterranean coastline,

    pausing only to hurl tomatoes at their gorgeous faces.

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    Barcelona, Valencia, Ibiza

    On this road trip we cruise the western Mediterranean hottest spots, from the vibrant clubs and culture of Barcelona, to the traditional madness of Valencia’s La Tomatina, and the on to Europe, and the world’s, number one party island, Ibiza. This road trip is soaked in sun and sangria, the perfect balance of tradition, cities and parties, and, of course, a healthy dose of discotheques when you join Stoke Travel to Club The Med.

    Key Dates:

    Barcelona City Break: Year round
    La Tomatina: 27 – 31 August
    Stoke Ibiza Villa: 1 June – 15 September

    Suggested Combo:

    • 24 – 26 August: Barcelona
    • 27 August: Check out and Stoke will get ya from Barcelona to La Tomatina
    • 28 – 29 August: Valencia, La Tomatina. Stoke will get ya from La Tomatina to Ibiza as part of this package (overnight ferry)
    • 31 – 2 August: Ibiza Villa
    • 3 September: Time to check out and say goodbye to your new Stoke besties.

    Estimated Cost:

    Stoke 10 night stay and transport €875

    Barcelona City Break
    Check out the inclusions and book your Barcelona City Break here. 

    La Tomatina to Ibiza
    Want to book both La Tom & Ibiza; check out the inclusions and book your trip here.

    Fill in the below form and we can help you out!

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    August 24Barcelona

    Check in to your central Barcelona hostel and hit the ground running. Explore the city, hit the beach, bask in the nakedness. That afternoon set sail on one of Stoke’s flagship boat parties. Rage on the Mediterranean while we cruise along Barcelona’s coastline. The unlimited drinks on board will properly prepare you for your first Barcelona party night.

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    August 25Barcelona

    Recovery mode, start with a hearty hostel breakfast before discovering Barcelona on foot with a walking tour. See the sights and learn the secrets of this ancient city. Eat. Drink. Love life. Eat more tapas and drink more sangria before you set out for round #2 out in the famous Barcelona nightlife – we’ll provide free entry to the Mediterranean city’s famous beach clubs.

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    August 26Barcelona

    Why stop now? Spend your last day in Barcelona visiting some of our favourite bars before heading up to the Bunkers with your new friends to watch the sunset with uninterrupted 360˚ views of the greater Barcelona area, from the Mediterranean to the Pyrenees.

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    August 27Barcelona - Valencia

    Say goodbye to your Barcelona home and jump on Stoke’s private bus, destination, Valencia. We’ll arrive at the La Tomatina campsite late afternoon, just in time for a swim in the campsite pool or walk the extra 200 metres and jump into the Med. Now the real fun begins, position yourself at Stoke’s own unlimited beer and sangria (€10 per night). Do some groundwork with the gals/guys that tickle your fancy (as friends of course).  Alternatively head into a nearby village for a massive water and wine fight!

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    August 28Valencia - La Tomatina

    An early start is made easier with complimentary Bloody Marys and a hot breakfast before boarding the bus for the tomato fight. Marvel at how sparkling and clean your Stoke Travel whites are, take a photo and post it to Instagram as the before photo. Enter into the Tomato fight with the rest of the Stokies and raise hell, throw tomatoes at strangers, have strangers throw tomatoes at you, maybe make out with said strangers. Once you’ve taken your “after” photo rinse off down by the river, or from one of the local’s hoses. Ride the bus back to camp and chill on the beach/have a siesta – we are in Spain after all. Take advantage of the open bar some more and smash the dinner that’s whipped up by our on-site chefs, before heading into the official La Tomatina After Party. Rage, dance the night away and make out with some more people, if that’s what you want to do.

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    August 29Valencia to Ibiza Overnight Ferry

    This is the day we set sail across the Med to Europe’s party island. Say goodbye to your Stokie friends who weren’t smart enough to book the whole tour and jump on the ferry from Valencia to Ibiza. It’s an overnight trip, so we’ll party again and snooze where we can find space. Make a million new pals because that seems to be a theme of this trip.

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    August 30Ibiza

    When we arrive in Ibiza we’ll take you to the Villa, crawl into bed for a siesta, swim in the pool, chill out in the shade. That night, go to whichever club tickles your fancy – the Stoke Travel Ibiza crew know all the best nights and can help you get discounted tickets.

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    August 31Ibiza

    The next few days will be filled with snorkelling, cliff jumping, beach games, visits to the hippie markets, sightseeing, swimming, people watching, and, of course, partying. Your time in Ibiza should be a beautiful combination of ticking things off your bucket list, doing things you never knew possible, and going with the flow. On this Mediterranean paradise anything goes if you let go…

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    September 1 & 2Ibiza

    Beach, sleep, rave, repeat… maybe a Sunday session? And by “maybe” we mean “definitely”.

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    September 3Ibiza

    Now’s the time to return to real life, or your next stop, with all the memories and photographic proof of things you won’t remember, new additions to your “friends for life” list, the need for sleep, or a desire to keep on partying. If you want, you can choose to stay on longer in Ibiza, or maybe it’s time to get pitted at San Sebastian Surf Camp. Of course, if you want to head to Barcelona again we can totally organise that… And we best be seeing your tanned faces at Oktoberfest.

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    Trip Type:


    • The home of Gaudi, Dali, the 1992 Olympics, FCB and the French Bulldog.
    • It’s a tourist Mecca. Thousands upon millions upon billions of sun-seeking, fun-loving revellers flock here every year and there’s a bloody good reason for it. It’s because Barcelona is awesome. The nightlife is nothing less than hectic and intense, the day life is a myriad of colours, sites, sounds, smells, street performers and sangria.
    • It’s a place you’ve just gotta see. And we’re pretty much experts… if we do say so ourselves… so we’ll show you Barcelona from the Stoke point of view.
    How to get there



    Wherever you are in the world you can fly to Barcelona. Ryanair and Easyjet are budget favourites that fly to Barcelona regularly. One thing to remember is that Girona Airport which is sometimes the cheapest option is an hour by bus from downtown Barcelona.


    A great option if you’re coming to Barcelona from elsewhere in Spain, or from France. Check out Renfe for trains from within Spain and SNFC for those departing within France.


    Check Eurolines for international buses to Barcelona, or Vibasa for buses from within Spain.

    We stay in an area of Barcelona called Poblenou, just minutes from the beach, surrounded with cool bars and restaurants, and easy access to transport links.

    The train or Aerobus will take you into Barcelona centre, then jump on the metro L4 to PobleNou station, from there we are just a short walk


    La Tomatina Campsite
    Camping Pucol
    Cami Riu Turia 3,
    46530, Puzol Playa,

    Ibiza Campsite
    Stoke Villa Ibiza is located here. Just by the charming countryside village of San Llorenç de Balafia. Save that location in your maps app so you don’t forget it. Searching for the name of the villa once you arrive won’t give you any results.

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    Need an answer to your burning question? Chuck your thoughts into the ‘Ask a Question Tab’ and we’ll put up a helpful answer here…

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    Hostel accommodation

    Hostel accommodation

    Dorm style hostel accommodation in Barcelona

    Camping Accommodation

    Camping Accommodation

    Twin-share tent accommodation at both La Tomatina and Ibiza



    Live bands and DJs

    Live bands and DJs

    Festival within a Festival Campsite

    Festival within a Festival Campsite



    Transfers available

    Transfers available

    Awesome guides

    Awesome guides

    Tomatina Festival Entry

    Tomatina Festival Entry

    Barcelona Walking tour

    Barcelona Walking tour

    Night Club Entry

    Night Club Entry

    Barcelona and Ibiza discounted night club entry/guest list entry

    Bloody Marys

    Bloody Marys

    On the morning of La Tomatina

    La Tomatina After Party

    La Tomatina After Party





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    The Spanish

    This Trip is No Longer Available

    Check back or contact us to learn more.

    The Spanish Gallery

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    What a whirlwind trip. So much going on and not enough time to take a breath. I think Barcelona is my fav city in Europe. Just loved the atmosphere and its good to go to an actual sandy beach in Europe. La Tomatina Craziness is a must do, It’s actually quite exhausting getting pelted by tomatoes… I recommend goggles. The trip over to Ibiza was wicked, they have these ferrys that have lie down recliner couches. Who knew that existed. And Ibiza was just nice to hang out with some new American mates. Check out Zoo project if you go. Its a club in an actual abandoned zoo.

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          The Spanish

          Start Date: 2020-07-17 End Date: 2020-08-12

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          The Spanish
          Meet Us in Barcelona
          • €855 / Per Package
          • August 24 - September 3 2019

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