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    Things to do in Ibiza when you’re not on drugs


    Posted by Stoke Media Team
    6 years ago | November 11, 2018

    Things to do in Ibiza when you’re not on drugs


    Drug use has been categorically proven to enhance basically every single experience imaginable. That’s what they’re designed to do after all and that’s why there are angels out there willing to risk long stints in prison in order to get them to you. God’s work, honestly.

    That does not mean however, that there aren’t still some activities out there (double negative, tricky) that can not only be tolerated, but enjoyed during your sober hours on Ibiza. We’ll go through a few of the best options below, it’s up to you whether or not you decide to add chemicals into the mix.

    Go to one of Ibiza’s beautiful beaches

    This may seem bleedingly obvious, you’re on Ibiza after all so you’ll probably find yourself on a beach at some point, but take advantage of your togetherness to go and find a really fucking nice beach. The beaches at San Antonio and Playa d’en Bossa are great for people watching, but spread your wings a little and you’ll be really happy you did. There are people out there that don’t leave the west-end. Don’t be that person.

    Hire a car

    Did you know that Ibiza is 40 km in length? There’s actually a lot to see and hiring a car is the best way to do that. Not only will you not risk aggressively exfoliating the whole left side of your body after coming off a scooter, you can take four of your best buddies with you to share the experience. Go find some hippies, chase donkeys in a field, look at a nice view, throw a watermelon off a cliff. All of these wholesome activities and more are open to you when you have your own set of wheels.

    Look at a Mediterranean sunset

    You and I both know this will be made so much better if you’re on drugs, but that doesn’t seem to stop people all over the world from enjoying them seemingly sober. So for that reason it makes the list. There are many vantage points on Ibiza to catch the sunset. Some will be packed with people, others will be deserted, it’s up to you to decide what you want to get out of this daily occurrence. They’re incredibly romantic, so if you have your eye on some hot thing, this is a great way to kick-start a holiday romance and in terms of logistics they’re a whole lot easier to incorporate into your holiday than a sunrise.

    Pick up a new hobby

    Who are you kidding? You’re on holiday, there is no way you’re going to learn to crochet. Move on.

    Obliterate yourself with alcohol

    Look just because you’re not on (hard) drugs doesn’t mean you can’t have a good time. Stay at our Ibiza Beach Camp and you can help yourself to unlimited beer and sangria for €10 a day. There will even be other people there who you can socialise with so you don’t need to do it on your own this time. Convenient. Interesting things happen when you’re drunk, you become a better version of yourself, your inhibitions are lowered and your mates are more likely to be able to convince you to get back on the gear, so everybody wins!

    Well there you have it, a comprehensive list of things to do on Ibiza when you’re not ingesting things that taste like hairspray. In case you came to this article in search of real advice, why don’t you book yourself in for one of our Spanish language courses, or 5-7 day yoga experiences? You can actually better yourself on Ibiza and have fun. Or just join us for Spring Break in Ibiza and worser yourself. Both are great options. 

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