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5 Reasons Why Travelling with Stoke Is A Bucket List Must

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve heard about the blast of a time we had at San Vino and Running Of The Bulls. If you missed it that was a fucking mistake, but the good news is that we’re only just getting started. Over the next couple of months we will be partying in Valencia for La Tomatina and then through to Munich for arguably the biggest piss up of the year, Oktoberfest. Sure you missed the first couple, that can be forgiven, but miss these and you’re a damn idiot. Rumor has it that Stoke Travel is the most fun you’ll ever have in your life. It’s a big call but you can’t argue with the hundreds of thousands of people we’ve hung out with over the years that all say the same thing. Need me to spell it out for you? Ok, here’s why you joining us at least once in your life should definitely be on your bucket list:
1. Our campsites are the fuckin’ bomb diggity
Did we mention that for only €10 a day you get unlimited beer and sangria? That’s a hell of a lot of booze and you know what they say, if you’re not boozin’ you’re losin’. Beers are pretty reasonably priced in Europe for the most part but tell me, would you rather pay €10 for 5 beers, or €10 for as many goddamn beers as you want? I’ll let you do the math. We also feed you a hot breakfast and dinner everyday which is rad because not only do you not have to pay for food, cook, or make any big decisions, you will also have a perfectly lined stomach that will allow you to booze all night long
2. You get to experience the craziest parties in Europe
Where else do you go if you have the sudden urge to throw tomatoes on thousands of sweaty strangers for a few hours in the middle of the street? What if you want to drink litres upon litres of pure, unadulterated German beer in gigantic tents, standing on tables and smashing glasses? These are the things that would probably be frowned upon anywhere else in the world, but in Europe there are massive parties where you can do just that! We don’t just take you to the parties, we ARE the party. Before, during and after, the party never stops with Stoke Travel, and as a wise man named Ben Lee once sang, That’s the way we like it.
3. We BYO bands so you don’t have the pressure of needing to impress anyone with your (probably non-existent) DJ skills
What’s a party without a band? Pretty shit, that’s what. That’s why we’ve made sure we have the best in the business on hand to keep you groovin’ into the early hours of the morning. This year we’ve got the likes of Honey Hayze, Mesmeriser, Hiaground, Kiwi Pips and Paul The Kid on board. Different sounds for whatever your vibe is, if it’s funky and you can dance to it, we’ve got it. If the past festivals are anything to go by, they’re enough of a reason to come and hang even if you don’t care about anything else. By the end of your time with us guarantee you’ll love them as much as we do, which is fuckin’ heaps.
4. We attract hottest babes and biggest party animals
Stoke Travel would be pretty average if it wasn’t for you guys coming along and getting freaky with us, year after year. We might be biased but we reckon you guys are the best, hottest and most fun group of people on the planet. You come from all the far flung corners of the earth to party with us and we bloody love it. Who doesn’t wanna be at a party full of babes that love to get weird wild and wacky? Trick question, everyone wants that. We’ve tried to figure out why everyone who parties with Stoke is a mega babe capable of drinking heaps of booze but we just can’t. Maybe it’s because babes attract babes, maybe we’re just lucky, but we’re not gonna argue.
5. You’ll have so much fun you’ll have plans for every European summer for the rest of your life
Once you’ve travelled with us and made it out alive, there’s no going back – you’re one of us now. Every year Stokies from years past return for yet another summer of booze and tomfoolery. You thought your first time was good? Well buckle up. It only gets better with each year that you return to our warm, open and welcoming arms. You’ve done it all before, you know what to expect and you can now rally a whole new group of friends from home to come and see for themselves exactly what you’ve been raving on about for the past six months. If you don’t you’ll only sit at home dying from a severe case of FOMO wishing you were out there getting amongst it with the best group of people in the world. You’ve been warned.
La Tomatina is just around the corner, it’s going to be a frickin’ blast and before we know it we’ll be on our way to Munich to drink a shit load of beer and dance on tables at Oktoberfest. Jump on board and see what all the fuss is about, we promise you won’t regret it. Or if you think you can handle it, grab yourself a Stoke Travel Passport to get the most bang for your buck and to do permanent damage to your liver.
Tagged with: alcohol, camping, Stoke travel passport, Europe, la tomatina, Oktoberfest, booze, Stoke Travel, Stokies, travel