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Free Beer At Oktoberfest!

Now that we’ve got your attention, practically free beer.
One of the things folks love most about Stoke Travel is that we offer practically free and unlimited beer and sangria at our festivals, destinations and events.
When you arrive we’ll give you a welcome drink on the house, an ice cold/lukewarm beer or a sangria made according to our grandma’s family recipe. All you have to do is turn up and we’ll land a drink in your hand. It’s our way of saying, Thank you, we know your journey has been long, but you’re with friends now. Put your backpack down, relax, let’s fucken party.
That’s a free beer. Where else in the world will you get a free beer just for turning up? Uncle Keith’s backyard BBQ, sure, but there you have to repay the favour with detailed plans of just what you’re doing with your life. We ask for nothing in return.
Once the free drink is consumed you have two options. You can either leave it at that, or you can partake in our all-you-can-drink beer and sangria bar for €10 a day. That’s right, for a measly ten euros you can drink all the beer and sangria you want, so long as the bar is open.
Nobody else does this, because they can’t or don’t want to. But at Stoke we see the value in getting all of our Stokies nice and buzzed, opening up the banter highways and maybe lubing up those hips for a shimmy across the dancefloor. We don’t want to open cash bars and drain your wallets just so you can have a good time, so for the price of one Oktoberfest beer, or two sangrias in a Spanish bar, we’ll let you drink as much as you want.
We keep the bar open as long as possible, which varies from destination to destination, but is usually from the morning until the music is turned off, and as far as how much you can drink, so long as you’re having fun and not being a dickhead you can keep on going.
The free and unlimited beer and sangria bar is available at almost all of our destinations (Morocco we can’t!), and at some we offer something special in line with the local flavour, like:
- German beer at Springfest and Oktoberfest 2024
- Bull Bites at San Fermin/Pamps/Running of the Bulls and Stoked in the Park Pamplona
- Cider at the San Sebastian Surf Camp
- Vino at San Vino/the Wine Fight
- Bloody Marys on the morning of La Tomatina
And surely there’ll be more, we’re really just making this up as we go along. We’re not saying that you have to drink to have a good time, but we are saying that when you have a few with like-minded travellers from around the world a good time usually ensues, and if you want to drink we’re going to make it easy for you.
Who doesn’t love practically free beer?