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    Stoke Travel are looking for festival crew


    Posted by Stoke Media Team
    7 years ago | January 21, 2018

    Stoke Travel are looking for festival crew

    We’re looking for summer festival crew. Are you ready to party your face off while meeting people from all over the world? Are you a travelling legend with a knack for helping people? We’re holding our first group interviews in London this Wednesday, 24th of January. Read on for more details.

    Can you drink an entire beer out of your shoe? Can you do it before breakfast? Every day for a month? Do you have what it takes to be a Stokie? If you can, and you’re in London, then do we have an opportunity for you.

    We’re looking for Stoke Travel festival crew for the 2018 season. Apart from drinking beer out of a shoe (substitutes for sangria, Jagermeister and milk are acceptable), you’ll have to be a travelling legend, a real people person who gets a kick out of helping others, organised (or at least good at following instructions), tough, hard working and ready and willing to have the best summer of your life.

    Our festival crew are what make the Stoke Travel experience so memorable. We fully expect you to be wild on the surface, a fun loving hedonist from whom the good times are infectious, but also responsible. You have to be caring. It’s the responsibility of all Stokies to ensure that all the travellers partying with us are not only having the best time possible, but that they’re safe in doing so. At Stoke Travel we know that we are nothing without our guests and all Stokies have to do everything they can to ensure that everybody leaves with the biggest smile possible.

    The hours are often long, but the rewards are immense. We’re not talking money, but best friends for life and the greatest times you’ve ever fallen into. You’re going to be the life of the party, the person everybody wants to hang out with, and when our big events can top 2000 people that will mean you’re very popular. Being a Stokie isn’t for everybody, but if you’re cut from the right cloth it’s the most rewarding way to pass a European summer.

    Being a Stokie means that you get to enjoy Europe’s best festivals. You’ll find yourself in the middle of wine fights, bull runs, German beer tents and tomato battles. You’ll be leading an army of young international travellers into every party you go to. You’re going to get to know these festivals inside and out, something that you’ll remember for the rest of your life.

    Stoke Travel is a truly international country, attracting guests from more than 50 countries. A good working knowledge of English is a must, and any other languages is a bonus. We encourage couples and singles to apply, no matter your situation you’re going to have a really good time.

    Are you a travelling legend? Do you love partying? Does meeting new people from all around the world excite you? Can you clear your summer schedule for Europe’s greatest summer festivals? Why not check out our jobs page, or if you can be in London on the 24th of January send an email to and tell her what you love, what you’re great at, any skills you might have and why you just have to be a Stokie.

    And maybe, just maybe, we’ll be drinking out of each other’s shoes this summer.


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