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Abroadfest 2024

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    Abroadfest 2024

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    A weekend festival created to gather all college students and visitors abroad in Europe, located at one of Barcelona’s most iconic venues. A weekend full of some of the best electronic music, cultural discoveries and new best friends!

    AbroadFest 2024 will feature music, visual and cultural experiences, creating the perfect weekend to visit Barcelona and witness what we can guarantee will be the new dimension Abroad.

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    Thursday - 11pm - 6am

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    Friday - 5pm - 11pm

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    Saturday - 3pm - 11pm

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    Trip Type:

    Abroadfest 2024 will be held over 3 massive venues, including Razzmatazz and Sant Jordi Arena. Plus next year venue capacity will be increased with a new location by the beach and brand new personalised ABROAD STAGE, that will allow more music talent than ever before.

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    Festival Entry

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    International DJ's

    International DJ's

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    Party Atmosphere

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    Global Crowd

    Global Crowd

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          Abroadfest 2024

          Start Date: 2020-03-05 End Date: 2020-03-07

          Select your package
          3 Day Ticket
          Early Bird
          • €99 Per Person Per Package
          • 5, 6, 7 March

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