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    January 2016: Christmas

    Stokepedia » Boozeletters

    Posted by Stoke Media Team
    9 years ago | May 23, 2016

    January 2016: Christmas

    Hey Stokies of 2015! Thanks and Merry Christmas!

    Thank you so much for coming and seeing us this year

    Thanks for once again letting us put on the kinds of events and festivals that you enjoy, because we enjoy them too! Thanks for letting us love you – in a platonic way – while you sometimes loved each other, as non-platonic as it gets. It’s guys like you, the class of 2015, that make this oftentimes not-for-profit project the most fulfilling job in the world. Not everyone gets us, but you sure do. 2015 was the best year that we’ve had since we kicked off this crazy experiment a decade ago, and that’s mostly because you guys, the Stokies, were keener than ever to have all the fun possible.

    Where do we start?

    From getting sandy in Morocco to snowy in Andorra, to Barcelonan all-nighters and boat parties, the year kicked off like all great years should.

    When the Spanish fiestas began you were there, throwing wine at San Vino, tomatoes at La Tomatina, and being thrown at the Running of the Bulls. When we weren’t at official fiestas we were making our own in San Sebastian, spectacles of surfing and food and wine and dancing and making out and every type of hedonistic pleasure imaginable.

    When too much fun became too much we headed up to France and deeper into Spain on our Surfaris, finding waves wherever they decided to make landfall. Then the Rolling Circus rolled out and you joined us on that one-of-a-kind European tour, the only one that combines sightseeing with performance art with music. And Oktoberfest, year-and liver ending Oktoberfest, that celebration of beer and meat and the lowering of our inhibitions. If you weren’t there, that would not be fun at all.

    We hope that you’ll do it again with us next year, either the things that you didn’t do in 2015, or those that were so good that you’ve just got to have another swing at them. You’ve made 2015 great, now let’s make 2016 even better. If you’re coming back, or have friends who you think might enjoy travelling the Stoke way, take advantage of the Stoke Passport, the easiest way to do all the events that you want to, without locking yourself in to inflexible itineraries. Check out 50 Fiestas, our first foray into documentary making, beginning next summer. Also, check out our brand-spanking new website launching over Christmas.

    Thank you, Stokies of 2015, for being open minded, fun loving, travellers, the type who see more value in the adventures along the way, than in ticking the destinations off a list.

    You’re the best, we hope to see more of you

    Watch this video to see the biggest festival we did this year in all its glorious madness

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