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    things everyone packs but never uses


    Posted by Stoke Media Team
    6 years ago | April 13, 2018

    things everyone packs but never uses

    Your packing procrastination time period has expired and you need to suck it up and get to filling that backpack considering your flight leaves tomorrow. There’s a science to packing, as we’ve already released in our tried and proven formula. If you’re not great at math and can’t figure out our way too complicated formula, you may be a bit overzealous with packing which leads to you having things that you will never use on your trip.We know that you might think you need to take nine different shirts and four pairs of shoes but we can guarantee that you won’t touch half of those things. You’ll be thanking us when you realize that these things that you thought you would need are completely unnecessary and that you were just fucken overthinking everything.

    More than one book

    You most likely won’t even read that one book you bring, but if it brings you comfort to know that maybe one day you’ll at least look at the book then sure, go for it. But more than one book and you’re out of your mind. Seriously, do you see yourself reading more than one book? That would mean that you’re spending more time reading about whatever it is that you fancy rather than going out and seeing what your chosen destination has to offer, and that’s lame. Just one book.


    Any kind of pillow is a bit much. About 99.9% of the time, your sleeping accommodation is going to give you a pillow. And if not, use a pile of your clothes or better yet, your bag. We’ve perfected the art of using our bags as pillows while camping out and we know that you can too. Pillows really just get in the way and you don’t want to be that person on the plane that props their pillow up on the lucky passenger next to you. Just don’t be that guy. No one likes that guy.

    “But what if…” scenarios

    It’s not going to happen and if it does just don’t be a pansy and deal with it. Don’t stress over the “what if this happens…” or “there’s a chance that…” scenarios. Chances are these scenarios will never occur during your travel. For example: if you’re traveling to Ibiza for our Ibiza Beach Camp, don’t worry about the weather dropping and needing to pack warmer clothes, all you really need to pack are a few swimsuits and you’ll fit right in. If it gets cold, that’s why god invented all-you-can-drink bars, like the ones we have at all our destinations.

    That one shirt you never wear

    There’s always that one item you have back in your homeland that you never wear but think that this is the time that you’ll definitely wear it. You won’t. Most of the time that item never even leaves your bag and it just takes up room. Save yourself some space for more useful things such as extra socks or party shirts. Side note: you should always pack a fun colored party shirt for any trip ever. You’ll look and feel like the life of the party.

    Super fancy formal wear

    If you’re debating on whether or not you’re going to need to bring a suit along with you, just don’t. Get that out of your mind because it is not necessary. It’s a waste of space and if you’re going on holiday why would you need it? Seriously, why? Because we really can’t think of a serious scenario where this would be needed. But if you know of a reason, feel free to leave us a comment. We’re open to suggestions and ideas.

    Don’t have any trips planned at the moment to test out our tried and true tips on packing? Check out our Stoke Travel Passport where the trips, parties and booze never stop.


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