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Travel Writing Workshops Spain

Learn how to mix, and then drink, cocktails with barcelona’s best bartenders in one of the city’s funkiest cocktail bars.

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    Travel Writing Workshops Spain

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    Travel Spain this summer and improve your travel writing with Stoke Travel and Global Hobo’s month-long mobile writing workshops/Spanish roadtrips. We will roll through the Spanish peninsular, from Barcelona to Madrid, Mediterranean to Atlantic, through wine country, along the beaches and in the mountains, travelling with mentors experienced in the travel writing world, perfecting our penmanship and learning valuable industry secrets. The tour will have its own Spanish language teacher, so we can better our español every day, and make sure that we have the right balance between learning, seeing the sights and relaxing/letting our hair down.

    Click here for more detailed information from Global Hobo


    This isn’t just some straight-laced writing course run by burned out has beens. The travel writing workshops are all about experiencing the places we’re in, having the most fun, learning everything we can, interacting with the locals, and then documenting it all with pitch-ready pieces in whichever style and medium you’re passionate about. Our mentors are all published professionals who have worked for a variety of publications including Australia’s ABC, Vice and Stab magazines, and they are passionate about the travel writing craft and about getting new talent published and seen.

    We’ll be doing a variety of classes in all the fantastic locations we visit, as well as completing our own travel writing projects. We will mix up actual classroom time with workshops on the road and in the field, and every lesson will be more of an open discussion than a boring lecture. Our mentors are on hand to help you become the travel writer and content creator you want to be.


    We’re going to learn Spanish while experiencing the most visited sites, and off-the-beaten-track locations of this amazing country. The travel writing workshops begin in Barcelona and take us to San Sebastian, Madrid and Valencia, with stops in La Rioja’s wine country, a castle in Spain’s coastal mountains and Andalucia. We’ll have plenty of opportunities to experience the local gastronomy, chat with the locals, take siestas and maybe even find ourselves in the middle of Spain’s crazy fiestas. We will surf, spend too much time in discotheques, and finally lock down which Spanish red we prefer.

    Our Spanish teacher is one of us and they will travel with us on the tour, making sure that we’re learning the language constantly while we’re on the road. We will learn the Spanish that’s actually in use, the one spoken over long afternoons in the sun sitting in terraces drinking and chatting. We won’t become fluent in the month that we’re there, but we will become confident to speak Spanish and be well on our way to making the locals laugh and maybe even love us a little.


    Global Hobo is the go-to platform for travel savvy dirtbags, and their writing workshops have helped scores of young writers take their craft to the next level in Tokyo and Bali. The Spanish workshop is Global Hobo’s first that travels around the country, taking in multiple locations instead of being based in just one. Global Hobo believe in working with your ideas and style and making you the writer you want to be, while helping you navigate a sometimes tricky industry.

    The aim of this workshop, apart from having the best time ever while seeing Spain, is to get published and be confident that you can do so again and again.
    Partnering on the tour with Stoke Travel means that you know the balance between learning and hedonism will be a good one, and we’ll make sure that the workshops take in at least one Stoke Travel festival – whether it’s the Wine Fight of La Rioja, or Valencia’s
    La Tomatina.

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    Immerse yourself in the Spain that has long inspired writers and artists with Global Hobo. For a month over European summer, we’ll be taking the classroom on the road, meaning you’ll be learning the ropes of freelance journalism and español whilst traversing a complex country of many nationalities and contrasting climates and geographies.

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    Amazing Experiences

    Amazing Experiences

    A month of Spanish Language classes

    A month of Spanish Language classes



    Shared accommodation in castles, manors, apartments, beach houses and hostels

    Transport between Locations

    Transport between Locations

    from Barcelona San Sebastian and Madrid and everywhere in between

    Daily travel-writing and blogging workshops

    Daily travel-writing and blogging workshops

    Filter by type:AllMeet Us There
    June 24 – July 21/August 5 – September 1Travel Writing Workshops Spain
    2500/Per Person Per Package
    Meet Us There
    June 24 – July 21/August 5 – September 1Travel Writing Workshops Spain


    • Above Inclusions
    • Plus: Potential university credit

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          Travel Writing Workshops Spain

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          Travel Writing Workshops Spain
          • €2500 /Per Person Per Package
          • June 24 – July 21/August 5 – September 1

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