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Rosé Week

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    August 30 - September 3
    Rosé Week

    Ooh la la, it’s time for all things nice in the south of France

    Rose Week 2019 is our chance to get a little bit fancy amongst the vineyards. We’ll be staying in a real chateau near Toulouse, treating ourselves to fine French food, drowning one another in locally produced vins, dressing in white and frolicking through the jardins, playing croquet, dancing on the lawn and just doing everything we can to enjoy our time in France.

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    Toulouse, France. Lieu-dit Rigou, 81500 Giroussens

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    *If at any time you feel unsafe, please don’t hesitate to contact the onsite Noble Security team, or any member of the Stoke Travel crew who will radio for security.

    As far as situations go, a Stoke Travel trip is amongst the safest. Unlike in the ‘real’ world, everybody here seems intent on having a good time and doing so with new and old friends – your fellow Stokies are way more likely to hold your hair back when you puke than lift your wallet.

    That being so, we’re more in danger of hurting ourselves while on a Stoke Travel trip than falling foul of our fellow travellers. Here’s a quick little guide to partying safe with Stoke Travel.

    1. Drink plenty of water.
      You’re going to drink plenty of beer and sangria, and you’re going to have a plenty big hangover, but you can really limit it by smashing a few cups of water throughout the day and evening.
    2. Eat!
      We’re going to hook you up with a hearty breakfast and dinner, and as the bare minimum that should keep your stomach lined and engine running. Do not skip these two meals, even if you are suffering horrifically from one of the aforementioned hangovers. We also strongly advise getting a lunch in there too, maybe even every day.
    3. Zip your tent up when you’re in it and when you leave it.
      Seems basic, but you’d be surprised how often drunk us forgets to do this. When you get in your tent of a night make sure you zip it up to prevent unexpected rain showers from disturbing your slumber. Same goes for when you leave your tent. It’ll take two seconds tops to zip it up, but that might save you from wet clothes, chafe, and maybe even pneumonia. If you also brought your favourite pair of socks and want to make sure they are safe, you are able to purchase a lock from the guru tent for only 5€.
    4. Don’t be a creep.
      Like, seriously, has that ever worked out for you? Similarly, if you see somebody being a creep and making people uncomfortable let us know and we’ll have a friendly word to them. Sometimes they just don’t realise how gross they are.
    5. No means no, but more than that consent matters.
      At a very basic level if you hit on somebody and they say no then you’ve just got to cop that. They’re just not that into you, sucks for about three seconds, but you’re literally surrounded by hundreds of young, like-minded travellers. Suck it up and move on. And when you do find somebody who’s into you and you want to move through the bases, make sure you get consent. It really, really, really, really, really does matter.  
    6. If you see somebody having a bad time, make sure they’re ok.
      We are all brothers and sisters and gender non-specific relations out here, so if you see somebody struggling in any way check on them, grab a Stoke staff member and just do what any decent human being would do.

    Staying safe at Stoke Travel is super easy, but sometimes we get a little out of control and forget the basics. If you ever find yourself in any kind of situation do not hesitate to contact Stoke staff, or security, and we’ll sort you out immediately. We’re here to help – help you have the best time possible. Mwah.

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    DAY 1 – Jour un / Friday 30th of August


    Today you’ll meet and greet your fellow Rose Week guests; introduce yourself before going over whats install for the next four days.. We’ll have a welcome drink accompanied with French Flirting Lessons and some poetry which will run until we enjoy our first French dinner together.


    DAY 2 – Jour deux / Saturday 31st of August

    Accompanied with a typical French breakfast with the finest french pastries, breads and jams. In the afternoon sun there will a petanque championship with a rosé or a ricard in hand. In the evening there’s a Saturday night party with french film, music and where all white must be worn.


    DAY 3 – Jour trois / Sunday 1st of September

    After our morning of french toast making there will be a chance to join in on some French naked drawing classes at the château gardens. In the afternoon we’re planning on doing a Tour de France.


    DAY 4 – Jour quatre / Monday 2nd of September

    A must do when in France is a Wine & cheese degustation at a nearby French vineyard. There are some close in the area so we will probably use the bikes again. At the vineyards we’ll get cultural and taste some fine French wine and probably some of the best cheese in the world.


    DAY 5 – Jour cinq / Tuesday 3rd of September

    The end of your trip, but hopefully not the end of your journey with Stoke Travel.

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