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    How To Recover From A Festival

    Some tips to help you through the festival come down. JOSEPHINE RYAN MURPHY You’ve just arrived back from a worriless world, dumped your bags on the floor and simultaneously felt…

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    Stoke Travel Is Going To Breakout

    BreakOut describes itself as a “charity travel competition for the adventurous”. Here at Stoke Travel we see ourselves as both charitable and adventurous, and so participation was a bit of…

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    Sitges Carnival 2023 From Barcelona

    Ride from Barcelona to Sitges for Spain’s most flamboyant Carnival   Do you know what New Orleans’ Mardi Gras and Rio’s Carnival have in common? They’re both the same goodamn…

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    Barcelona’s Best Sandwiches

    We know you’re here in Spain (Catalunya!) and you want to be a super authentic globally responsible worldly traveller and only eat local food, but stop being so arrogant! Sandwiches…

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    Nine Things That Hobart and Barcelona Have in Common (Besides Latitude)

    Nine similarities between the greatest place in the world and another place that people seem to like visiting a lot.

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    The Five Senses of the Rolling Circus

    A sneak peak into each stop on Stoke Travel’s European Bus Tour ‘The Rolling Circus’ Q: What do you get when you mix a New Zealand rock band, a red…

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    La Tomatina in 24 hours

    If you’re anything like us you probably left your La Tomatina booking to the last minute. Like, literally the day before the festival. You probably frantically looked up train tickets…

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    Barcelona baby, you have my heart

    The beginning of a beautiful and passionate love affair with this vibrant Spanish city. I’ve been in Barcelona one week and I already never want to leave. I love everything…

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    Three Girls, One Castle

    This was how the night began. It was 9pm and slowly starting to get dark. We were seated around the outside table with a pack of cards, a few candles…

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    Where to stay for your Study Abroad – in between partying with Stoke Travel

    During Study Abroad, weekends are a constant stream of travel adventures and epic parties. From downing steins in a beer tent at Oktoberfest to partying under the stars on a…

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