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    Boozeletter: Most Ordinary Extraordinary Job In The World Edition

    Stokepedia » Boozeletters

    Posted by Stoke Media Team
    8 years ago | May 3, 2017

    Boozeletter: Most Ordinary Extraordinary Job In The World Edition

    We see these “Best Job In The World” promotions popping up often, offering lucky punters a job that isn’t really a job, a glorified galavanting around the globe, sampling all that’s best on the company in question’s roster.

    They seem too good to be true, and truth be told we’ll never know if they are or not. These promotions have always seemed just out of reach for the average Joe(sephine), the realm of the look-at-me perpetually semi-naked white-walls and blue-sea always-sunny Insta-famous set, or the travel bloggers for whom intrepidness is an exercise in self-flagellation, a relentless mission to define your journeys by their difficulty; Oh, so you caught buses around Nepal? That’s cute, I did the Himalayas riding on the back of a yak and only suckling its teats for nourishment.

    But adherents to these extreme travelling ideologies don’t represent the rest of us. They’re somewhere else, either with one foot on P-Diddy’s yacht (whatever happened to Diddy?), or up to their bellybutton in orangutan dung. What about the rest of us, what about the #OrdinaryPeople?

    Stoke Travel, since our inception, has been all about helping ordinary people do #ExtraordinaryThings. We exist to take you out of your comfort zone, to create judgement-free environments in Europe’s wildest settings, where you can be whoever and whatever you want to be. We’re accessible to all, from those whose glistening abs seem perpetually drenched in filters to people with colonies of small mammals living in their dreadlocks.

    And everybody in between. Especially everybody in between.

    Stoke Travel’s Most Ordinary Extraordinary Job In The World is really good, heck, it’s freaking fantastic, but it’s not too good to be true. It’s three months with us, on the road from San Vino in late June, to Oktoberfest in late September, spending time surfing in France and partying in Ibiza and going on all the trips and festivals around Spain and France and Germany that we’ll be at this summer.

    We want blogs, but not too many, and we want vlogs, but not too polished. We want you to enjoy yourself and to tell the world about it; we want you to dish out FOMO like a boarding school lunch lady, big heaping ladles of FOMO steaming hot and shaded in every hue of the most envious green.

    We also want you to help with the day-to-day functions of Stoke Travel’s trips, events and festivals. This is the Most Ordinary Extraordinary Job In the World, after all — you’ve got to pay a little to play a lot.

    Most importantly, we want someone who best represents the Stokie family. Someone who’s like me and you and your uncle Geoff, someone who is unpretentiously adventurous, who’s a real raconteur, who loves to party and has a keen interest in the places they visit. We want someone who is absolutely ordinary, but is prepared to do something extraordinary this summer.

    Sound like you, or somebody you know and love and trust? Well why not saunter on over here and see what the competition entails.

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