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Reasons Our San Sebastian Surf House Is A Safe Haven For Solo Female Travellers

Calling All Adventurous Women
During this pandemic it seems like we’ve all spent a lifetime in our comfort zones. We’ve watched every series on Netflix (twice), consumed dangerous amounts of pizza and spent more time with our fellow quarantineers than ever recommended. Chances are you’re experiencing symptoms of Lockdown Syndrome and you’re relentlessly planning your adrenaline fuelled escape. If you’re a female wanting to catch a solo travel wave, we’ve got your back at the San Sebastian Surf House. Solo travel as a woman can sometimes be intimidating, everyone gets a few anxieties and beating them is part of the thrill. It’s time to take the plunge.
At some point in the Netflix void a hot girl Baywatch running down the beach, sun bleached hair and surfboard under arm would have popped up to taunt you. Let this inspire you but not put you off – we don’t look this good, ever. Getting on board with surfing is more adventure than posing and a lot more face planting and drowning than looking good, but that’s the real fun of it. Our female friendly Surf House is a safe space for first time travellers and surfers. Don’t be phased if you’re a bit nervous to put yourself out there, you just need the right place to touch down and the right people there to greet you.
The San Sebastian Surf Camp Specialises In First Time Surfers
If you’ve never touched a board before but desperately WANT TO, well the pressure is off. We’re not here to judge or show you up, we just want to help you do your thing. If learning to surf, or even just ticking it off the bucket list is what you want, you’ve got to start somewhere. We’ve got super experienced surfers on board to show you the ropes and literally push you off into the waves (then pull you out if you need it!).
Did Someone Say FEMALE Surf Instructors?
Surfing has always been a male dominated sport, but this is changing, fast – it’s the 2020s everybody. We’ve got some talented women on board, which for a lot of us self conscious souls is a massive breath of fresh air. Women understand women and surfing can be an emotional ride. There’s lots of new fears to overcome and challenges to face and we sometimes need a little push in the right direction. Female surf instructors are a great way to soothe your nerves and level with you if you’re struggling. Women’s surf is on the up and finding a group of surf sisters to weather the storm with is an essential part of the process.
If you’re panicking about that bikini bod, don’t! No–one is here to judge you – or creep on you. We provide wetsuits for all shapes and sizes to avoid board rash so we all officially look as non–sexy as each other. Forget Cameron Diaz and Pamela Anderson, we’re talking more Power Rangers beach edition. ALSO future surf babes, take care of yourself whilst surfing!
Slap that zinc on your face and coconut oil in your hair to keep sun damage at bay.
Do you HAVE to Surf?
Quick answer: absolutely not, and you won’t be alone in this! The San Sebastian Surf House life is more of a lifestyle than a sport. Don’t be put off by nightmares of squeezing into wet suits and getting beaten up by waves. You might not even want to touch a surfboard – and that’s OK. It’s just as fun lusting over beautiful surfers from the shoreline. Our ‘Beach Bum Deal’ takes off surf costs if it’s not your thing, so you won’t be paying for something you’re not using. We’ll even get the insta shot of you running towards the waves you never plan to enter with a surfboard you never plan to use if you like – no judgements here!
What’s the San Sebastian Surf Hostel vibe?
Female Only Dorms
Don’t want to share a dorm with a bunch of guys you only met yesterday? Totally understandable – you don’t have to. We have a female only option which is ideal if you want to roll around in your underwear in peace. Sorry boys but this luxury also means less snoring, less farting and less awkward nipple flashing encounters. Walking into a room full of guys can throw people off – our women only only dorms can be less intimidating. They’re also smaller and more intimate which gender regardless is an easier setting for integrating and a better night’s sleep.
Getting Some Down Time
If your kind of fun is reading your book, practising yoga or pondering the meaning of life with like minded souls – we’ve got you. We have yoga classes every day to relax your muscles
after a surf and clear your mind after what could have been the most stressful year of our lives! We also have huge amounts of space and some of the best views around so if you’re ready for some down time you’ll find your spot. Our Surf House leads straight up the perfect mountain for morning exercise and solo hikes so you are literally at the foothills of adventure.
‘Girls Just Want To Have Fun’
Likewise if you’re looking to let loose in your free time, we’re on board and you definitely won’t be alone. We’re fully experienced party travellers so there’s always the option to drink some socially lubricating sangria, trade travel stories and unwind after a big day in the waves. We also take you into local towns for Pintxos and into San Seb for craft beers – if you don’t want to stop moving, we can keep up.
Bonus Good Vibes from Matilda – The Last Female Surfer Of The Season
“I had the best time at the surf house. I loved learning to surf and being pushed outside my comfort zone. Everyone at the hostel was so friendly I immediately felt part of the group and very welcomed! I got to visit different Basque towns with the crew which was a real highlight as I got to see the bits I never would have known to visit alone. Overall it was a fab mix of fun activities, chill time, learning to surf and of course teaming up with awesome like-minded people.”