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    The Chosen One Does: San Sebastian Surf Camp


    Posted by Stoke Media Team
    6 years ago | September 17, 2018

    The Chosen One Does: San Sebastian Surf Camp

    Every year Stoke Travel chooses a Chosen One, a lucky legend who travels with us all summer long with the mission to simply have as much fun as possible, help out where needed, and document their adventures for us. This year the Chosen One was David “Duey” Spargo, a young Australian traveller who is based in London and who you should follow over on Instagram @the_social_traveller.

    Blue water, blonde-haired surf dudes and chicks, Stokies and beach warriors… surfing is just another wicked getaway that The Stoke Travel Co. deliver. What are you doing here, Utah? If you don’t go surfing once when you’re travelling through Europe, you’re 100% missing out.

    1. Learn how to surf

    This wasn’t my first time trying to cruise barrels aka stand up on a surfboard, so I was one of a handful of people that had tried surfing before Surf Camp. I was super stoked that I was surrounded by both experienced and inexperienced wave manipulators for my first surf camp. Everyone felt that they were on the same level, a.k.a. level rookie and the only reason why we were together at Stoke Travel Surf Camp was to learn how to surf, have a gnarly time and make life long memories with amazing people.

    I was lucky enough to have five days to hit the surf, but Stoke Travel offer a range of deals. Each day includes full surf lessons, yoga and other activities which you can find on their website.

    1. The itinerary: Sleep, yoga, surf, ping pong, eat, party and repeat.

    The standard day you wake up early (roughly 8am), have a wicked breakfast and head straight down to Zarautz beach. Once concluding the introductory surf lesson that covers safety and surf etiquette, you head out for a few hours of surf before heading back to camp where lunch is served. The afternoons generally have activities organised, otherwise you are left to your own relaxing devices in the beach house. Within the first day majority of the people within my group were able to stand up on their surfboard and ride some point break waves. Surf Camp united us all and turned us into the Z-boys & girls from Lords of Dogtown in only a few days.

    3. Gnarly instructors

    Every experienced surf master can make it look like a stroll in the park, but it is an incredibly difficult sport to become skilful at. Knowing when to pick the right wave and paddling for hours on end can fatigue you quite quickly. The major values that determine your surf each day is the tide, number of surfers out, your training and whatever mother nature throws your way. However, don’t worry as you have the best professional surf instructors along the San Sebastian coast guiding you through all of these variables.

    4. Surf Jedi Masters

    The best thing I enjoyed about surf camp was that we were in a group. You’re at camp with a big group, but you still get individual help during the surf lessons. When I was at Surf Camp, my group consisted of around 20 people. It was great to be able to meet so many travellers and I felt like I was Dicaprio from the beach.

    We headed out in small groups, but there were always at least two instructors out in the water with each group giving it that individual touch. The surf instructors go in the water with the group without surfboards and help guide you to picking the best wave and riding your surfboard.

    5. The Stoke Travel San Sebastian Experience

    When you arrive at Stoke Travel San Sebastian Surf Camp, it feels like you’re in surfer’s paradise. The beach house is colourful with an industrial feel to it. The instructors and people that work at the Surf Camp make you feel like you’re right at home in the paradise that is Stoke Travel San Sebastian Surf Camp. The Stokie team here live and breathe Surf Camp day and night and their goal is for you to have a wicked time.

    6. The Taste and buds

    Now I know a lot of you travellers out there are foodies. But imagine the how hungry you are after a day out in the sun paddling your hearts out. It is quite exhausting, however the team at Stoke Travel San Sebastian Surf Camp have got your back and the fuel you need. Not only is the food amazing, your stomach will always be full as it is the most food I have had during my travels. The incredible chefs cater for all health requirements and will hook you up with the most delicious and instagramable meals that you will ever see in a surf camp.

    Just to wrap up my experience here is an inspirational quote from my boy Leonardo “I still believe in paradise. But now at least I know it’s not some place you can look for. Because it’s not where you go. It’s how you feel for a moment in your life when you’re a part of something. And if you find that moment…It lasts forever.” I won’t ever forget those five days in San Sebastian with Stoke Travel.

    Want to live your own Chosen One experience? Well you can prepare for next years competition, or get yourself a Stoke Travel Passport

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