We know what you’re thinking, you’re thinking that we’re just going to say, Camping with Stoke Travel at Oktoberfest is the best budget option, and you’re right, we could say…
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MEGJEGYZÉS: Az Oktoberfest Boss azt mondja, hogy 2021-es esemény be van kapcsolva!
ÉS mostantól lefoglalhatja a helyét kockázatmentes 1 eurós kaucióval *, nem kell többet fizetnie, amíg nem biztos abban, hogy képes lesz utazni. Kattintson ide, hogy megnézze, vagy olvassa el, ha többet szeretne megtudni.
A sörkedvelőket boldoggá tevő hírekben a müncheni rádiónak, a 95,5 Charivari-nak adott exkluzív interjújában az Oktoberfest főnöke, Clemens Baumgärtner kijelentette, hogy “feltételezzük, hogy Oktoberfest lesz ebben az évben”.
Tudomásul véve, hogy az Oktoberfest előkészítése sok hónapot vesz igénybe, és kifejezte az oltásokba vetett hitet, a kezelési lehetőségeket, a müncheni esetek számának csökkenését és a gyorstesztelési lehetőségeket, Baumgärtner annyira bízik abban, hogy az Oktoberfest 2021 folytatódik, hogy rendben van az éves program megkezdése. nyilvános plakátpályázat, valamint a rendezvény vásárterén lévő szerkezetek felépítésére vonatkozó előkészítő tevékenységek jelenleg zajlanak.
Az interjú itt van, de német nyelven.
Baumgärtner azt is elmondja, hogy ellenzi az “Oktoberfest fény” ötletét, ehelyett olyan intézkedéseket választ, amelyek megakadályozzák a potenciálisan fertőzött emberek részvételét, például egy vakcina útlevelet, a negatív teszt igazolását vagy az antitestek bizonyítását az esemény kapujában. .
Hozzátette, hogy a végső döntést június elején hozzák meg, de továbbra is bízott abban, hogy az esemény olyan nagy, sörrel teli és dühös lesz, mint valaha.
A Stoke Travel, az müncheni Oktoberfest mulatozók legnagyobb házigazdája – évente mintegy 8000 embernek mutatja be életének legjobb idejét – mindig is hitt abban, hogy az Oktoberfest és a müncheni hatóságok képesek rendezvényt szervezni, párosulva az összehangolt német nyelvvel , Európai és globális erőfeszítések a pandémia legsúlyosabb hátrahagyására, mint mindig.
2021-es rendezvényünkre már a szokásosnál is nagyobb választ kaptunk, miután sok sörbarát csalódott maradt nemcsak a 2020-as Oktoberfest, hanem általában a 2020-as fesztiválutazások lemondása miatt. Nagyon sok olyan utazó van Európában és a világ minden tájáról, akik kihagyták az egyéves bulizást és új emberekkel való találkozást, és akik bármilyen módon keresik a világjárvány legsúlyosabb végének megünneplését.
Az Oktoberfest finom bajor sörével, asztaltáncával és a bulizók nemzetközi tömegével tökéletes alkalom a világ szórakozására. Biztosak vagyunk abban, hogy a 2021-es esemény el fog fogyni, és azt javasoljuk, hogy minden érdeklődő foglaljon helyet most 1 eurós befizetéssel *.
A Stoke egyedülálló és ikerágyas kempingeket kínál, akár nyolc embernek szóló teepee-t, valamint csillogási lehetőségeket kínál, matracokkal és ágyneművel együtt. Minden csomagunk tartalmaz főzött feneketlen villásreggelit naponta – mimózákkal -, valamint hírhedt Stoketoberfest kempingkarneválunkat nemzetközi zenekarokkal, DJ-kkel, előadókkal és utazótársainkkal a világ minden tájáról, valamint teljesen nyitott és korlátlan sör- és sangria bárunkat. napi 10 euró pluszért.
Ez az a jó hír, amellyel át kell vennünk minket 2021 következő heteiben, amíg javulást nem tapasztalunk a COVID helyzetben, de bízunk benne, hogy a tavasz melegedésével és az oltások átterjedésével Europea, magabiztosan tervezhetünk utakat későbbi tavaszra, nyárra és főleg az OKTOBERFEST 2021-re!
* Nem terhelhetünk és nem is terhelünk Önnek legfeljebb 1 eurót. Ha egyértelmű, hogy képes lesz utazni, rendszeres kauciót kérünk Öntől, és ha utazási tervei megváltoznak a COVID miatt, akkor teljes kedvezményt, vagy 120% -os hitelt kap.
Szeretne többet megtudni?
Mindent, amit tudnia kell az Oktoberfestről és a Stoketoberfestről, nézzen át ide.
A weboldal angol (és francia, spanyol, holland és olasz) nyelvű, de a rendezvényen magyarul beszélő személyzetünk lesz.
Oktoberfest Packages 2025
15 Packages Available
Since 2008, Stoke Travel has been the biggest, best, wildest and most-inclusive Oktoberfest Tour in Munich – AND our Oktoberfest Munich 2025 accommodation packages are no different OKTOBERFEST MUNICH 2025…
Are you ready for this?
Foglaljon helyet all-inclusive szállásaink egyikén, vagy az alábbi busz- és szálláscsomagokon. Vegye fel velünk a kérdéseit, a menettérti autóbusz árait, vagy ha segítségre van szüksége a tökéletes Oktoberfest útiterv elkészítéséhez a szállással együtt.
- Twin shared tents all set up for you with camping mats and sleeping bag (solo upgrades, comfort plus, and group tents available)
- Brunch available every morning from 8-11 am with cooked food, unlimited mimosas, tea and coffee
- Crew to direct you to the Oktoberfest beer halls with all the handy tips needed.
- Oktoberfest free entry
- Welcome drink to kick off your stay
- Campsite parties all week. Enjoy the biggest parties from Thursday to Sunday featuring international DJs, bands, and performers.
- Food trucks, hangout spaces, beer pong and more entertainment
- Powder room for the ladies, to make getting ready at the campsite easy
- 24-hour security on site
- 24-hour check-in
- Earplugs at your disposal
- Enjoy our open beer and sangria bar – Unlimited booze for only €15 a day
- Solo tent upgrade – Don’t wanna share your tent with a stranger? Have a feeling you’ll be bringing a stranger back? Upgrade to your own solo tent and sleep easy €30 per night
- Traditional Oktoberfest outfits – You’ll really stick out like a sore thumb if you’re not decked out in one of these, plus it’s always fun to dress up in your traditional German outfits and take pics for the ‘gram to make all your friends back home jealous. Get a Dirndl set €70 or Lederhosen set €90 onsite – 20% OFF IF YOU PRE-PURCHASE
- Hot showers – It can get a little chilly in Munich around this time of year and what better way to warm your bones (and wash away your sins) than with a hot shower. In order to do this though, you need to purchase shower tokens, so have your coins at the ready €1 per token, or if you’re feeling brave cold showers are free! (1 token will give you 6 minutes of bliss)
- Private 8-person group tent – Got a big group and want to be able to shack up together? Like the idea of Oktoberfest being one big cosy sleepover with all your pals? Jump into a group tent! €640 per night
- Munich bike tour – Feel like hopping on a bike and riding around picturesque Munich 3 and a half hours, getting in some exercise and seeing the sights? We’ve got a treat for you. The boozy bike tour through Munich will take you to all the main attractions, is a pretty flat ride right through, and you get to stop for lunch and beers (not included in price), what’s not to love?! €40 per person
- Essentials packages – level up your stay with a pillow, towel, and toiletries pack for €30 per person
- Oktoberfest table bookings – Don’t want to push your way through to crowd and eye off tables? Reserve yourself your very own spot at a table in one of the infamous beer halls. Not only will you get a guaranteed table spot, but the price also includes food and beer tokens – email info@stoketravel.com for information on prices and table availability
- Group tent all set up for up to eight people with camping mats and sleeping bag
- Brunch available every morning from 8-11 am with cooked food, unlimited mimosas, tea and coffee
- Crew to direct you to the Oktoberfest beer halls with all the handy tips needed.
- Oktoberfest free entry
- Welcome drink to kick off your stay
- Campsite parties all week. Enjoy the biggest parties from Thursday to Sunday featuring international DJs, bands, and performers.
- Food trucks, hangout spaces, beer pong and more entertainment
- Powder room for the ladies, to make getting ready at the campsite easy
- 24-hour security on site
- 24-hour check-in
- Earplugs at your disposal
- Enjoy our open beer and sangria bar – Unlimited booze for only €15 a day
- Traditional Oktoberfest outfits – You’ll really stick out like a sore thumb if you’re not decked out in one of these, plus it’s always fun to dress up in your traditional German outfits and take pics for the ‘gram to make all your friends back home jealous. Get a Dirndl set €70 or Lederhosen set €90 onsite – 20% OFF IF YOU PRE-PURCHASE
- Hot showers – It can get a little chilly in Munich around this time of year and what better way to warm your bones (and wash away your sins) than with a hot shower. In order to do this though, you need to purchase shower tokens, so have your coins at the ready €1 per token, or if you’re feeling brave cold showers are free! (1 token will give you 6 minutes of bliss)
- Private 8-person group tent – Got a big group and want to be able to shack up together? Like the idea of Oktoberfest being one big cosy sleepover with all your pals? Jump into a group tent! €640 per night
- Munich bike tour – Feel like hopping on a bike and riding around picturesque Munich 3 and a half hours, getting in some exercise and seeing the sights? We’ve got a treat for you. The boozy bike tour through Munich will take you to all the main attractions, is a pretty flat ride right through, and you get to stop for lunch and beers (not included in price), what’s not to love?! €40 per person
- Essentials packages – level up your stay with a pillow, towel, and toiletries pack for €30 per person
- Oktoberfest table bookings – Don’t want to push your way through to crowd and eye off tables? Reserve yourself your very own spot at a table in one of the infamous beer halls. Not only will you get a guaranteed table spot, but the price also includes food and beer tokens – email info@stoketravel.com for information on prices and table availability
- 4+ nights camping accommodation in twin shared tents all set up for you with camping mats and sleeping bag (solo upgrades, comfort plus, and group tents available)
- 10% off Stoke merch at the Swag tent
- Brunch available every morning from 8-11 am with cooked food, unlimited mimosas, tea and coffee
- Crew to direct you to the Oktoberfest beer halls with all the handy tips needed.
- Oktoberfest free entry
- Welcome drink to kick off your stay
- Campsite parties all week. Enjoy the biggest parties from Thursday to Sunday featuring international DJs, bands, and performers.
- Food trucks, hangout spaces, beer pong and more entertainment
- Powder room for the ladies, to make getting ready at the campsite easy
- 24-hour security on site
- 24-hour check-in
- Earplugs at your disposal
- Enjoy our open beer and sangria bar – Unlimited booze for only €15 a day
- Solo tent upgrade – Don’t wanna share your tent with a stranger? Have a feeling you’ll be bringing a stranger back? Upgrade to your own solo tent and sleep easy €30 per night
- Traditional Oktoberfest outfits – You’ll really stick out like a sore thumb if you’re not decked out in one of these, plus it’s always fun to dress up in your traditional German outfits and take pics for the ‘gram to make all your friends back home jealous. Get a Dirndl set €70 or Lederhosen set €90 onsite – 20% OFF IF YOU PRE-PURCHASE
- Hot showers – It can get a little chilly in Munich around this time of year and what better way to warm your bones (and wash away your sins) than with a hot shower. In order to do this though, you need to purchase shower tokens, so have your coins at the ready €1 per token, or if you’re feeling brave cold showers are free! (1 token will give you 6 minutes of bliss)
- Private 8-person group tent – Got a big group and want to be able to shack up together? Like the idea of Oktoberfest being one big cosy sleepover with all your pals? Jump into a group tent! €640 per night
- Essentials packages – level up your stay with a pillow, towel, and toiletries pack for €30 per person
- Oktoberfest table bookings – Don’t want to push your way through to crowd and eye off tables? Reserve yourself your very own spot at a table in one of the infamous beer halls. Not only will you get a guaranteed table spot, but the price also includes food and beer tokens – email info@stoketravel.com for information on prices and table availability
- Twin shared tents all set up for you with camping mats and sleeping bag (solo upgrades, comfort plus, and group tents available)
- Brunch available every morning from 8-11 am with cooked food, unlimited mimosas, tea and coffee
- Crew to direct you to the Oktoberfest beer halls with all the handy tips needed.
- Oktoberfest free entry
- Welcome drink to kick off your stay
- Campsite parties all week. Enjoy the biggest parties from Thursday to Sunday featuring international DJs, bands, and performers.
- Food trucks, hangout spaces, beer pong and more entertainment
- Powder room for the ladies, to make getting ready at the campsite easy
- 24-hour security on site
- 24-hour check-in
- Earplugs at your disposal
- Enjoy our open beer and sangria bar – Unlimited booze for only €15 a day
- Solo tent upgrade – Don’t wanna share your tent with a stranger? Have a feeling you’ll be bringing a stranger back? Upgrade to your own solo tent and sleep easy €30 per night
- Traditional Oktoberfest outfits – You’ll really stick out like a sore thumb if you’re not decked out in one of these, plus it’s always fun to dress up in your traditional German outfits and take pics for the ‘gram to make all your friends back home jealous. Get a Dirndl set €70 or Lederhosen set €90 onsite – 20% OFF IF YOU PRE-PURCHASE
- Hot showers – It can get a little chilly in Munich around this time of year and what better way to warm your bones (and wash away your sins) than with a hot shower. In order to do this though, you need to purchase shower tokens, so have your coins at the ready €1 per token, or if you’re feeling brave cold showers are free! (1 token will give you 6 minutes of bliss)
- Private 8-person group tent – Got a big group and want to be able to shack up together? Like the idea of Oktoberfest being one big cosy sleepover with all your pals? Jump into a group tent! €640 per night
- Munich bike tour – Feel like hopping on a bike and riding around picturesque Munich 3 and a half hours, getting in some exercise and seeing the sights? We’ve got a treat for you. The boozy bike tour through Munich will take you to all the main attractions, is a pretty flat ride right through, and you get to stop for lunch and beers (not included in price), what’s not to love?! €40 per person
- Essentials packages – level up your stay with a pillow, towel, and toiletries pack for €30 per person
- Oktoberfest table bookings – Don’t want to push your way through to crowd and eye off tables? Reserve yourself your very own spot at a table in one of the infamous beer halls. Not only will you get a guaranteed table spot, but the price also includes food and beer tokens – email info@stoketravel.com for information on prices and table availability
- Twin shared “comfort plus” tents with extra space and standing room. Extra comfortable camping mats and two sleeping bags per person (solo upgrades, and triple share available)
- Comfort Plus goodie bag waiting for you at check-in
- Brunch available every morning from 8-11 am with cooked food, unlimited mimosas, tea and coffee
- Crew to direct you to the Oktoberfest beer halls with all the handy tips needed.
- Oktoberfest free entry
- Welcome drink to kick off your stay
- Campsite parties all week. Enjoy the biggest parties from Thursday to Sunday featuring international DJs, bands, and performers.
- Food trucks, hangout spaces, beer pong and more entertainment
- Powder room for the ladies, to make getting ready at the campsite easy
- 24-hour security on site
- 24-hour check-in
- Earplugs at your disposal
- Enjoy our open beer and sangria bar – Unlimited booze for only €15 a day
- Solo tent upgrade – Don’t wanna share your tent with a stranger? Have a feeling you’ll be bringing a stranger back? Upgrade to your own solo tent and sleep easy €30 per night
- Traditional Oktoberfest outfits – You’ll really stick out like a sore thumb if you’re not decked out in one of these, plus it’s always fun to dress up in your traditional German outfits and take pics for the ‘gram to make all your friends back home jealous. Get a Dirndl set €70 or Lederhosen set €90 onsite – 20% OFF IF YOU PRE-PURCHASE
- Hot showers – It can get a little chilly in Munich around this time of year and what better way to warm your bones (and wash away your sins) than with a hot shower. In order to do this though, you need to purchase shower tokens, so have your coins at the ready €1 per token, or if you’re feeling brave cold showers are free! (1 token will give you 6 minutes of bliss)
- Private 8-person group tent – Got a big group and want to be able to shack up together? Like the idea of Oktoberfest being one big cosy sleepover with all your pals? Jump into a group tent! €640 per night
- Munich bike tour – Feel like hopping on a bike and riding around picturesque Munich 3 and a half hours, getting in some exercise and seeing the sights? We’ve got a treat for you. The boozy bike tour through Munich will take you to all the main attractions, is a pretty flat ride right through, and you get to stop for lunch and beers (not included in price), what’s not to love?! €40 per person
- Essentials packages – level up your stay with a pillow, towel, and toiletries pack for €30 per person
- Oktoberfest table bookings – Don’t want to push your way through to crowd and eye off tables? Reserve yourself your very own spot at a table in one of the infamous beer halls. Not only will you get a guaranteed table spot, but the price also includes food and beer tokens – email info@stoketravel.com for information on prices and table availability
- Twin shared tents all set up for you with camping mats and sleeping bag (solo upgrades, comfort plus, and group group tents available)
- Brunch available every morning from 8-11 am with cooked food, unlimited mimosas, tea and coffee
- Guides to direct you to the Oktoberfest beer halls with all the handy tips needed.
- Oktoberfest free entry
- Welcome drink and extra welcoming German pretzel to kick off your stay
- Campsite parties all week. Enjoy the biggest parties from Thursday to Sunday featuring international DJs, bands, and performers.
- Food trucks, shisha lounge, Burlesque German funhouse, hangout spaces, beer pong and more entertainment
- Powder room for the ladies, to make getting ready at the campsite easy
- 24-hour security on site
- 24-hour check-in
- Earplugs at your disposal
- Enjoy our open beer and sangria bar – Unlimited booze for only €15 a day
- Solo tent upgrade – Don’t wanna share your tent with a stranger? Have a feeling you’ll be bringing a stranger back? Upgrade to your own solo tent and sleep easy €30 per night
- Traditional Oktoberfest outfits – You’ll really stick out like a sore thumb if you’re not decked out in one of these, plus it’s always fun to dress up in your traditional German outfits and take pics for the ‘gram to make all your friends back home jealous… Dirndl set €70, Lederhosen set €90 onsite – 20% OFF IF YOU PRE-PURCHASE
- Hot showers – It can get a little chilly in Munich around this time of year and what better way to warm your bones (and wash away your sins) than with a hot shower. In order to do this though, you need to purchase shower tokens, so have your coins at the ready €1 per token, or if you’re feeling brave cold showers are free! (1 token will give you 6 minutes of bliss)
- Private 8 person group tent – Got a big group and want to be able to shack up together? Like the idea of Oktoberfest being one big cosy sleepover with all your pals? Jump into a group tent! €640 per night
- Munich bike tour – Feel like hopping on a bike and riding around picturesque Munich for a few hours, getting in some exercise and seeing the sights? We’ve got a treat for you. The boozy bike tour through Munich will take you to all the main attractions, is a pretty flat ride right through, and you get to stop for lunch and beers (not included in price), what’s not to love?! Book now on the Stoke App €25 per person
- Oktoberfest table bookings – Don’t want to push your way through to crowd and eye off tables? Reserve yourself your very own spot at a table in one of the infamous beer halls. Not only will you get a guaranteed table spot, but the price also includes food and beer tokens – email info@stoketravel.com for information on prices and table availability
2 night min, flexible terms, group payments
Meet Us There
Meet Us There
Ride with us to and from Oktoberfest, with return buses running from either Turin or Milan.
Buses depart from Turin at 9:00am and Milan at 10:00am every Friday of the festival, arriving at our Stoketoberfest campsite early Friday evening. Get your traditional German garb on, Consume copious amounts of beer, and party through the weekend with us. We’ll sort your ride home, with our buses ready to take you back to the city you travelled from, departing the campsite on Sunday, returning to Turin around 7:00pm and Milan at 5:00pm.
*exact pick-up locations and times to be confirmed
Ride With Us
Ride with us to and from Oktoberfest, with return buses running from either Geneva or Zurich.
Buses depart from Geneva at 9:00am and Zurich at 1:00pm every Friday of the festival, arriving at our Stoketoberfest campsite early Friday evening. Get your traditional German garb on, Consume copious amounts of beer, and party through the weekend with us. We’ll sort your ride home, with our buses ready to take you back to the city you travelled from, departing the campsite on Sunday, returning to Geneva around 7:00pm and Zurich at 5:00pm.
* Exact pick-up locations and times to be confirmed
Ride With Us
Ride with us to and from Oktoberfest, with return buses running from Budapest.
Buses depart from Budapest at 9:00am every Friday of the festival, arriving at our Stoketoberfest campsite early Friday evening. Get your traditional German garb on, Consume copious amounts of beer, and party through the weekend with us. We’ll sort your ride home, with our buses ready to take you back to the city you travelled from, departing the campsite on Sunday, returning to Budapest around 7:00pm.
*Exact pick-up locations and times to be confirmed
Ride With Us
Ride with us to and from Oktoberfest, with return buses running from either Prague.
Buses depart from Prague at 11:00am every Friday of the festival, arriving at our Stoketoberfest campsite early Friday evening. Get your traditional German garb on, Consume copious amounts of beer, and party through the weekend with us. We’ll sort your ride home, with our buses ready to take you back to the city you travelled from, departing the campsite on Sunday, returning to Prague around 5:00pm.
*Exact pick-up locations and times to be confirmed
Ride With Us
Ride with us to and from Oktoberfest, with return buses running from Krakow..
Buses depart from Krakow at 10:00 pm every Thursday of the festival, arriving at our Stoketoberfest campsite early Friday morning. Get your traditional German garb on, consume copious amounts of beer, and party through the weekend with us. We’ll sort your ride home, with our buses ready to take you back to the city you travelled from, departing the campsite on Sunday, returning to Krakow 9:00pm.
*Exact pick-up locations and times to be confirmed
Ride With Us
Ride with us to and from Amsterdam, Eindhoven or Utrecht, with return buses running to your city of origin Sunday.
Buses depart from Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Utrecht or Eindhoven from 10:00pm every Thursday of the festival for an overnight journey, arriving at our Stoketoberfest campsite early Friday afternoon. Get your traditional German garb on, consume copious amounts of beer, and party through the weekend with us. We’ll sort your ride home, with our buses ready to take you back to the city you travelled from, departing the campsite on Sunday, returning to your city of origin around 10:00pm.
*Exact pick-up locations and times to be confirmed
Ride With Us
Ride with us to and from Rome with return buses running to your city of origin Sunday.
Buses depart from Rome from 10:00pm every Thursday of the festival for an overnight journey, arriving at our Stoketoberfest campsite early Friday afternoon. Get your traditional German garb on, consume copious amounts of beer, and party through the weekend with us. We’ll sort your ride home, with our buses ready to take you back to the city you travelled from, departing the campsite on Sunday, returning to your city of origin around 10:00pm.
*Exact pick-up locations and times to be confirmed
Ride With Us
Ride with us to and from Florence with return buses running to your city of origin Sunday.
Buses depart from Florence from 10:00pm every Thursday of the festival for an overnight journey, arriving at our Stoketoberfest campsite early Friday afternoon. Get your traditional German garb on, consume copious amounts of beer, and party through the weekend with us. We’ll sort your ride home, with our buses ready to take you back to the city you travelled from, departing the campsite on Sunday, returning to your city of origin around 10:00pm.
*Exact pick-up locations and times to be confirmed
The World’s Best Beer at The World’s Greatest Beer-Drinking Party