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    Budget Surfing And Accommodation In San Sebastian


    Posted by Stoke Media Team
    7 years ago | May 29, 2017

    Budget Surfing And Accommodation In San Sebastian

    Surfing is pretty great and even better when it’s in The Basque country’s San Sebastian. If you’re planning on heading over for a surf trip you may be having a bit of trouble finding budget accommodation and surf lessons. During the season prices are increased and finding budget anything can end up being pretty difficult. To help on this search for budget accommodation and surfing, we’ve laid out the main things you’ll need to consider, how much they cost and how much cheaper and obviously better it is to just screw everyone else and come surf with us.

    Accommodation In San Sebastian

    Accommodation is obviously going to be your primary concern – or at least it definitely should be – an actual bed and roof over your head is fairly vital. If you were to stay anywhere else you’ll have to fork over more than €30 a night for a bed in a dorm – half the price of our entire surf package – or €80 for a private room – more than the entire surf package – and on top of these places being way more expensive, we doubt they’re anywhere near as nice as our little slice of paradise. Have you seen the view from our place? It’s incredible.

    Surf Lessons & Equipment In San Sebastian

    While our package is a minimum of only two nights because we’re not clingy, it’s difficult to find anywhere else that will give lesson packages for less than a week minimum, and daily lessons are pretty damn expensive – you’re looking at €50 for a two hour group lesson. Yep, that is almost an entire night at the stoke camp.

    Eating In San Sebastian

    While similar to tapas, the basque country has it’s own, yummier version called pintxos. These tasty guys go for about €3 a pop and you’ll need a few to fill up. While you do have to try these – you are in the basque country after all – you don’t want to blow all your money on pintxos every meal. Also, that would be a lot of pintxos, probably too many pintxos. That’s why we’ve got our own chef cooking up three meals a day just for you and your fellow surfers.

    Drinking In San Sebastian

    You should definitely drink lots of alcohol and go out at night in San Sebastian. In fact we’ll bring you there and drink lots of alcohol with you. However, you’re gonna want to get a good base layer of drunk before you go out just to make sure you don’t end up blowing literally all your money in one night. Or you know, blow all your money in one night, but this way you can blow it on someone else and you know… maybe get blown? And so we bring you, unlimited beer and sangria for €10. That’s right, rather getting four glasses – at best – of beer or sangria at the bars, you can have, literally unlimited, drink for the same price.

    Extra activities In San Sebastian

    And if you’re not already convinced, what’s wrong with you? But also we’ve got tonnes of activities like cliff jumping, hiking, local activities, parties and a fricking slip n slide to top it all off.

    Save yourself the trouble and money and book your place here. Or an even better idea, get yourself a stoke passport and use that.


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