We know what you’re thinking, you’re thinking that we’re just going to say, Camping with Stoke Travel at Oktoberfest is the best budget option, and you’re right, we could say…
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Our London To Oktoberfest Train Is The Best Deal!

We’re not running the London-Oktoberfest train this year. Following the hyperlinks for a full Oktoberfest travel guide, a guide on what to wear to Oktoberfest, what to eat at Oktoberfest, what the deal is with Oktoberfest beers, or Oktoberfest beer tents, our full Oktoberfest info sheet, or just to see our best value, most fun, Oktoberfest packages.
Ok, ok, on paper the price of our London to Oktoberfest train package is a little off-putting. £500 for a three night trip! Seems extortionate. Who do we bloody think we are? Well let us tell you who we think we are, because not only is this not a bad deal, it’s a bloody good deal! It’s a deal forged with our blood, sweat and emails just so we could deliver you, England-bound lovers of beer and goodtimes into the Munich emporiums of beers and goodtimes as expediently, cost effectively and with as much goddamn fun as possible.
First, let’s go through what the Stoke Travel megadeal includes. For £500 you get (and this is from the website):
- Return train from London to the Oktoberfest campsite
- 3 nights camping accommodation in pre-erected twin-share tents with a sleeping bag and camping mattress
- A tasty breakfast each morning and hearty dinner each evening (vegetarians can be catered for)
- On camp supermarket, showers and bathrooms available
- Guide from the campsite to the Oktoberfest beer halls
- Parties each night at our Stoke Travel bar
- A once in a lifetime experience with crazy international travellers from across the world!
Sounds good, yeah? But let’s elaborate a little.
For starters, the return train is OUR OWN GODDAMN TRAIN, and we’ll be the only punters on it. This means that you’ve got a captive audience of your fellow Oktoberfesters, which in turn means that you’ve got plenty of time to work out who’s in your drinking squad, who you’d like to try and snog, who laughs at your jokes, etc.
There won’t be travellers telling you to shush, and while we can’t encourage you to get lit up from departure to destination (last year’s train was held up due to rowdy partiers) we can give you a little wink and say that train drinking is definitely not totally against the rules.
Plus there’s a chance of joining the four-foot high club, which isn’t as illustrious as its mile-high cousin, but joining any club of this genre is always an exciting prospect.
And now to why paying £500 for this experience is a good deal.
- Accommodation in Munich for Oktoberfest is already super expensive, and only getting moreso. On Booking.com Stoke Travel’s already the cheapest, at £160 for the three nights, but if you wanted to stay anywhere else you’re looking at £260 minimum.
Non-Stoke price: £160-260 - Airfares, like rooms, are also already expensive for the London-Munich route, but if you book your flights NOW you’re still looking at £224 minimum (with EasyJet, ew) and £271 on British Airways. And that’s only going to go up.
Non-Stoke price: £224-271 - Transfers from London to the airport are going to cost you around £15 EACH WAY on the train to Stansted/Luton/Gatwick, with that price going up to about £35 each way in an Uber. Geeeeezus!
Non-Stoke price: £30-70 - Transfers from Munich airport to the campsite are also going to fuck you up, coming in at £16 each way on the train, and then another £3 on the bus, or £60 each way in an Uber.
Non-Stoke price: £38-120 - Not being on the party train?
Non-Stoke price: a priceless amount of FOMO
TOTAL: if you don’t travel on the Stoke Travel party train, and book everything now! You’re looking at paying at least £452-721, and it only goes up from there. You can also add onto that breakfasts, dinners, and off-Oktoberfest beer budget (Stoke have an on-site open beer bar for an extra €10 a day) if you book a hotel that isn’t Stoke Travel…
Can you not see how good a deal this is? It’s insanely good, great, amazing. We’ve somehow managed to deliver to you the most effective, convenient and cheap way to see Oktoberfest and doubled down by making it the most goddamn FUN.
You do the math. Do it. And then book.
There you have it, it’s an insanely good time at an amazingly great price. The train has a certain number of seats, so if you want to reserve your spot you’d better do so soon on our Oktoberfest trip page.