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    San Sebastian Surf House Named Europe’s Chillest Place to Hang


    Posted by Stoke Media Team
    6 years ago | May 23, 2018

    San Sebastian Surf House Named Europe’s Chillest Place to Hang

    A new study published by the European Council of Hanging Out (ECHO) has named Stoke Travel’s San Sebastian Surf House the “Chillest Place in Europe.”  After extensive research into the continents’ most relaxing spots, ECHO’s unanimous decision to award San Sebastian Surf House the coveted title came as little surprise to experts in the field.

    Dr. Jake Groovens, a renowned authority of takin’ it easy, explained the process behind this decision.  “I don’t think anybody who knows how to hang loose was shocked by [ECHO’S] call on this one,” Groovens said.

    In the accompanying article, ECHO listed several reasons behind its decision. Among these were the climate, amenities, general vibe, and access to other chill shit.

    “Climate was a given,” said Groovens. “Everybody knows that the Basque country has the perfect balance of being sunny but not too hot, and that ocean breeze always feels rad.”

    The Surf House’s amenities were also easily noticeable as being extremely cool, Groovens told us.  “With their own bar, yoga deck, ping-pong table, half-pipe, full kitchen, and beds for all, Stoke’s surf house was sure to clean up in that category too.  These surf bums could make do with a patch of dirt and their damp wetsuit, but here they are living like kings and queens.”

    Perhaps the most notable piece of ECHO’s evaluation, however, was its glowing review of the chill vibes that abound in Stoke’s little slice of Basque paradise.

    “After thorough evaluation, this organization has found The Stoke San Sebastian Surf House to be exceptional overall in the area of keeping the mood mellow,” the report stated.  “The way the house balances the chill with the hype is unprecedented, and members of this council found it to be totally sick.”

    In his analysis of ECHO’s decision, Groovens stated to have only been mildly surprised in one area.  “I wouldn’t have anticipated [the surf house] to have such wicked shit to do nearby,” he said. “I mean, obviously there’s the legendary Zarautz surf beach on one side, and San Sebastian on the other with more bars per square kilometer than anywhere else, but I didn’t know there was so much else to do.”

    The report mentioned paragliding, horseback riding, pintxo and bar tours, a cider house and two legendary music festivals, just to name a few.

    “The only negative aspect this council was forced to consider in coming to its decision was how overwhelming the freedom was,” said the report released by ECHO.  “We have to assume that the surfers and yogis coming to relax and catch some waves would feel some sense of overstimulation at all the options. Perhaps, they would even feel the burning desire to extend their stay and hang loose a few days more.”

    Do you agree with ECHO’s decision? Do you even know? Better visit San Seb Surf Camp and find out for yourself.

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