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    The Best Surf Spots in Spain and France


    Posted by Stoke Media Team
    7 years ago | November 2, 2017

    The Best Surf Spots in Spain and France

    The best surf spots in Spain and France

    Surfing in Spain along the Basque coastline has been compared to surfing along the sunny southern beaches of America, and has quite rightly been nick named ‘The French California’ by many wave riders for that very reason. The best surf spots in Spain and France are to be found scattered along the beautiful Basque coast, and that’s why we love going there so much, and we can’t stop going. We’ve uncovered our favourite secret and not-so-secret surf spots for you, so you don’t have to worry about where to head for the best waves in the glorious Basque land.

    1. Playa de Concha, San Sebastián, Spain

    If you are in the Basque country you cannot miss out on San Sebastian, as it’s a surfing mecca. The main beach, Playa de Concha in San Sebastian is one of the most beautiful beaches Stoke Travel has ever seen. (Okay, we may be a little bias as it’s where we started out, but rest assured it’s magical!) While it might not receive much swell, it’s a perfect beginner wave when the surf is too big elsewhere, so anyone looking to learn will have come to the right place!

    2. Vortex, France

    This hidden gem is one of the best spots for the more experienced of surfers. It is really hard to find, and you will have to look in the very south corner of no man’s land zone in order to find it. So although a difficult mission to get to, it’s totally worth the quiet peaks all to yourself upon your arrival. It is undoubtedly one of the best surf spots in Spain and France.

    3. Mundaka, SpainMundaka picture by

    The basque region is blessed with good waves for more than half a year, so finding gems like Mundaka make it the ultimate surf mecca. The waves are the best and the views couldn’t be better. It has been dubbed by pros as one of the best surf spots in the world. There are good facilities in the village and friendly smiley locals. It can get fairly crowded though, so you’ll need to be willing to fit for the peak. Credits for the picture go to

    4. Sopelana, Spain

    A decent, consistent all year-round beach break, with long stretching beaches and stunning views of the great cliffs surrounding the bay. Sopelana is the perfect location for the ultimate surf dudes and dudettes, but be warned, it can get highly competitive in the line-up! The rugged cliffs and swooping bays make this nugget of Basque gold one of the most dramatic and best surf spots in Spain and France.

    5. La Salvaje, Spain

    One of the most popular beaches for surfers in Spain and France today is La Salvaje or Biranatxe. This 752 meters long beach belongs to the cities of Getxo and Sopelana.

    6. Zarautz, Spain

    Zarautz sits high on any surfing fanatics list and is not to be missed when talking about the best surf spots in Spain and France. There are plenty of great facilities on the main beach. Some of Spain’s top surfers find their home in Zarautz too, so paddle out and learn from the best!

    7. Biarritz, France

    Biarritz is famed for its charismatic cobbled streets and delicious eateries, and it is also just down the road from the annual Roxy and Quiksilver Pro. Biarritz is a key surfing location for beginners as well as pro surfers, with small, mellow waves aplenty.

    8. Belharra, France

    Belharra is a secret, special kind of surf spot, similar to a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. Belharra sits by an outer reef only to be reached by boat or jetski. The waves are totally epic but challenging to ride, so pros or kamikaze surfers only.

    9. La Zurriola Beach, San Sebastián

    This is Playa de Concha’s smaller sister which is equally amazing. You cannot skip Zurriola Beach when visiting the best surf spots in the Basque Country. Zurriola Beach is San Sebastian’s surfing beach, with waves to offer for surfers of all standards, from the big stuff in the far corner, to more mellow learning waves closer to the river.

    10. Hendaye, Francebest surf spots

    Not the best of breaks during low tide due to the scattered rocks and dumpy waves, but Hendaye is a spectacular spot to watch the more experienced work their magic. An amazing part of France not to be missed when surfing in the Basque Country.

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