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    Welcome To Tentertainment


    Posted by Stoke Media Team
    8 years ago | May 2, 2016

    Welcome To Tentertainment

    Tentertainment of Stoke Travel, always a blast! The big question is: “My tent or yours?” Probably yours because I don’t have one.

    After a long 18 hour trip from Barcelona to go to the Oktoberfest in Munich, all you really want to do is put your bag down, have a shower and then come back and have a quick nap before the beer chugging/skulling begins. But what do you do when you come back from your much-needed shower and realize that you don’t know where your tent is?! And by this I don’t mean, I can’t find my tent because I’m in the wrong location, I mean someone literally picked up my tent and moved it elsewhere! At least they had the decency to leave my bag in the wet and flattened grass exactly where the tent used to be; What kind gents, they are!

    Tentertainment condom

    Or what if you’re trying to take a chick back to your tent only to discover that someone else has already been there; and by the looks of the (not just one, but three) used condoms appropriately placed right near the deflated mattress, do you tell the girl they aren’t yours? But then again, who wouldn’t want to claim a 3-in-1 go tentsation-session!?

    And a word to the wise: It’s best not to tell your nightly visitors where exactly your tent is (or maybe you should blindfold them before leading them there) because come the following night when you’re on to your next number, you might be in a pickle situation.

    Oh Springfest, what a menace you are! And it’s only just the beginning.


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