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    Will Ibiza be open in 2021?


    Posted by Surf
    4 years ago | January 12, 2021

    Will Ibiza be open in 2021?

    2020 was a year like no other in living memory, and even the sesh-sanctuary of Ibiza wasn’t immune from the massive repercussions of the coronavirus pandemic. Last year was the first time since the inception of the clubbing scene on the Balearic island that the Ibiza superclubs were unable to open.

    Which is exactly why 2021 has the potential to be massive.

    Vaccines, increased rapid-testing and the nature of the virus could prove to be a turning point, giving hope that the end (of the pandemic) is nigh, filling us with the confidence of a man telling the bouncer he’s sober after his third pinger has just kicked in.

    It’s been way too long since our last night bouncing through the clubs of Ibiza chewing our faces off trying to slurp that last drop of liquid out of a €12 bottle of water, which may sound a touch nightmarish for those who’ve never been lucky enough to visit one of these down and dirty discotheques – but we just can’t wait to get back.

    From DJs and club owners to Insta-influencers and regular Joes like you and me, there are plenty of people itching for a glorious return to the party mecca. And with vaccines rolling out in countries across the world, there’s a distinct possibility that we could see this happening in a few months’ time. Only time will tell, but until then, let’s see how things could be shaping up this summer.

    Who is already confirmed?

    Whilst it isn’t 100% verified whether superclubs will reopen in 2021, that doesn’t mean promoters haven’t been busy building some killer lineups for what could be the biggest summer Ibiza has seen in decades. There’s some fresh faces floating around, as well as some old heads who’ve been on the scene for donkey’s years, and the chance to see some of these guys has got our heart pumping nearly as fast as those dodgy pills you used to get from the fella out the back of the men’s bogs in Privilege… nearly. 

    Here’s a taste of who we can look forward to seeing this summer:


    It feels like this guy has been around since we were in diapers, and while he may have spent a good few years in the early 2010’s acting like a right twat, you can’t take away from the fact that he is an incredibly talented DJ. If you can excuse the ridiculous title of his Hï Ibiza residency (F*** ME I’M FAMOUS!) you’ll be in for a treat, with Guetta going back-to-back with some of the world’s biggest and brightest DJ’s every Friday night.



    FISHER completely blew up onto the world stage a couple years ago with his summer banger “Losing It” after making a name for himself in Australia as an ex-WQS surfer and blogger. Now a household name across the globe, things have only been on the up and up since then, following up his unforgettable Coachella set with performances at Tomorrowland and Lollapalooza, not to mention a Grammy nomination under his belt. In 2021, Fish has got himself an Ibiza residency at Hï Ibiza – definitely one to keep an eye on.



    Jamie Jones is a man of many talents, a DJ, producer, label boss at Hot Creations and curator of legendary global party night Paradise. Formerly of the DC10 parish, Paradise is moving across to Amnesia in 2021, after being hosted in cities across the world from Miami to Moscow. A pillar of the Ibiza party scene, we can’t wait to see what Jones has to offer at his new home in 2021. 



    Whilst we’d sniff a line of baking powder off Wayne Linekar’s big toe to get back to the way things were in Ibiza, it’s gonna be awhile before things go back to normal. We are, after all, still in the midst of a pandemic, and people’s safety has got to be the key priority.

    That being said, venues and club owners are working hard to ensure the safety of punters in a number of ways. The most prominent of these looks to be similar to the track and trace app that has been rolled out in several countries, including the UK, Australia and NZ, but with a more stringent criteria.

    According to DJ Mag, a new app called Liberty Pass could be used as a sort of golden ticket to allow entry into clubs in Ibiza in 2021. As per DJ Mag, “the app collects official information from collaborating medical centres about antigen tests, PCR tests and vaccines” to then give you a QR code, following negative results. The QR code will last for 72 hours for PCR tests, or for the valid length of the vaccine, if you’ve already been administered one.

    This would be on top of precautions that are already in place, such as regular use of hand sanitiser and facemasks, and while nothing has been confirmed, this could be the way forward as a solution for the Ibiza season in 2021.

    What if the clubbing season isn’t on?

    It might surprise you, but there’s actually more to Ibiza than getting cooked as a crumpet until you get kicked out of a club. It is, would you believe it, actually fucking beautiful – why do you think all these hedonistic miscreants turned up to the island in the 70’s in the first place?


    One of the luxuries of Ibiza being a relatively small island is that you’re never more than an hour away from the beach. These can range from resort beaches, fronted by promenades filled with hotels and tourist traps, to hidden coves and rugged cliffs that can be a little harder to find, but that host only a fraction of the seaside audience – we know where we’d rather be.


    After an influx of free-spirits and hippie types in the 70’s, Ibiza became a hot-spot for counter-culture idealists, and that spirit still lives on today on the eastern stretches of the island, where hippy markets can be found strewn across the coast. Whilst most sell trinkets, tokens, jewellery and clothes, the east coast of the island is no stranger to a good shin-dig either, and you’ll find the beers and food to be a fraction of the price.


    Ibiza is one of four islands in the Balearics, with Mallorca, Menorca and Formentera rounding out the quartet. Mallorca is the biggest of the four, and is worth a gander for anyone with an appetite for architecture, where you can find the other Gaudi cathedral. Otherwise, a 20 minute ferry to the smallest of the islands, Formentera is definitely worth an outing for anyone wanting to slow things down, or needing a place to come down, after a couple of mad nights in Ibiza.

    Should I book flights yet?

    It’s a risky one, as not all airlines are being quite as flexible as your mates at Stoke Travel, and it can be a right pain in the arse trying to chase up a refund for a flight that never took off. Nevertheless, at the time of writing, in early January, flights to Ibiza from the UK are dirt cheap. Last we checked, April 2021 flights to Ibiza are as low as £21 from London Stansted, so could indeed be worth the punt if you’ve got your eye on an early Ibiza holiday.

    Where to stay

    Stoke Travel have been running Ibiza weekenders for over a decade now, and in 2021 we’ve decided to amp things up a little. We’ll be running Ibiza weekenders once a month from April till September for the entire Ibiza season, with three nights accommodation in San Antoni, private pool parties, free club entry, free boat party tickets and discounted drinks deals.

    All of our packages can be reserved with risk-free €1 deposits so you can take advantage of our early bird prices, starting at €199 for the entire weekend. Check out our Ibiza Weekenders page here to find out more.

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