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    Last Minute Running With The Bulls


    Posted by Stoke Media Team
    6 years ago | October 15, 2018

    Last Minute Running With The Bulls

    Six things you’re wasting you life doing that are definitely less fun that Running Of The Bulls.


    Life is short, too short to do all the amazing things there are to do in the world. We know this, yet instead of chewing through our bucket lists we waste time contemplating whether to do the amazing things instead of actually just doing them! While we contentedly pass countless hours going through the same mundane motions.

    The Running Of The Bulls is about two weeks away now and Stoke is working hard to set up the best damn festival within a festival you ever did see. The campsite is packed full of amazing people and amazing things to do that we can guarantee will be more fun than whatever it is you could be doing instead. Below is a list of examples to give you that final push you need to come join us in Pamplona.

    Sitting at a desk

    Screw that, you’ll spend about five years of your life sitting at a desk. Why sit on your arse when you could be literally running for your LIFE through the streets of Pamplona all day and partying with Stoke all night.


    Yeah showering is a thing you should do but the average person spends half a year of their life in a shower. The Stoke campsite has both a swimming pool AND a river, both definitely way more fun options.


    The average person spends like a third of their life SLEEPING. Just lying there doing nothing. Get away from all that sleeping nonsense for a while. Stoke has a whole fricking festival INSIDE the Running Of The Bulls Festival. There’ll be so much fun shit to do that you just won’t have time for sleep.

    Sitting on a toilet

    Live a little, change it up, the average person spends something like 90 days of their life sitting on a toilet. You’ll have plenty more time to do just that so why not be spontaneous, shit yourself running from bulls and go back to your damn toilet later.


    2.5 years, that’s how much of your life you spend cooking food for yourself. Give yourself a break. Come hang out at the Stoke campsite and we’ll make TWO whole meals a day for you. Think of all the other stuff you could do with that spare time.

    Sitting in traffic

    You spend three months of your life sitting in traffic. That’s what you’d be missing out on if you decided to fuck it all and come to Pamplona for a few days. Sitting in traffic.


    What are you waiting for?? Book your spot now! See you and your newfound spontaneity soon.  

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