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    Stoke Travel’s Proven Hangover Cures


    Posted by Stoke Media Team
    6 years ago | August 1, 2018

    Stoke Travel’s Proven Hangover Cures

    Hangovers are a part of life! They are the universe’s way of punishing you for having too much fun, and you can and will have hangovers from excessive anything! Too much sex? Rooting hangover. Too many smiles? Sore face hangover.

    But the main hangover we deal with is the too much booze hangover. The hangover hangover. The hangover we deal with most often, especially when on holidays, double especially when on holidays with Stoke Travel.

    Here are some other hangover cures, or minimisers, that we’ve tried and relied on over the years, because when you make the most of our open and unlimited beer and sangria bar at all venues, you’re going to need something to fix ya.

    1. Do some exercise

      Get up, jump out of your tent, stretch. Stretch it right out. Jog, or briskly walk away from your tent and towards the bar. Grab a beer. Lift it to your mouth and flex while you chug it. Repeat.

    2. Eat some food

      Hangovers are created and cured from the inside. Food will fix you up good. Head over to Stoke Travel’s Kitchen Party and see what they’ve got for breakfast – it’ll be hot and hearty. Eat it. You may find that it’s a little bit dry. Wash it down with a beer.

    3. Take some pills

      Your head is throbbing and your stomach is churning. You may need something from the pharmacy for that. Do you have anything on you? Take it. If not ask around, American travellers in particular are usually pretty loaded up with pharmaceuticals. Make sure you swallow your pills with large mouthfuls of beer.

    4. Drink lots of water

      You might be dehydrated because of all those hours you were sleeping and not drinking. You will need to replenish and rehydrate. Make sure you start your day by filling up on fluids, and the best fluids to fill up on are from the beer family.

    5. Take a shower

      You stink of booze, sex and goodtimes. You need to wash yourself, wash away your stank and your sins. Wash yourself in a shower. A shower of beer. Do a straight arm and pour the beer all over yourself, including in your mouth. Then have another beer.

    6. Take a nap

      You just woke up, but so what, you’re on holidays so you can nap if you want to. Find somewhere nice and comfortable in the sun. Sit down. Open your beer. Have a sip. Lay down. Have another sip. Nap. Wake up and finish your beer.

    If you follow these steps then we can guarantee that you won’t have a hangover anymore. Heck, you’ll be at least six beers deep so you’ll be drunk again. What a result! Now go and throw some tomatoes, or drink German beer by the litre at Oktoberfest and repeat this process tomorrow and every day until you have to go back to work, at which point repeat the process minus number six.

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