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    Time to Euroventure out of mundanity and into the world


    Posted by Stoke Media Team
    7 years ago | November 30, 2017

    Time to Euroventure out of mundanity and into the world

    IMG_7125Oi, Oi Stokies! We hear you’re planning on going on a Stoke Travel festival, eh? Damn good choice we say. But how are you going to get there? Well, we at Euroventure travel might just be able to help you out…

    Flying is pretty dull right? Yeah, yeah you get there faster and all that. But by travelling by train you can chill, sleep off the previous night’s hangover, drink some more, socialize and take as much stuff (booze) with you as you like! Oh, and it’s also an awesome way to see Europe, as you stop off in city centres along the way! We reckon it’s actually the best way to travel, that’s why we do what we do.

    Euroventure puts together package rail and accommodation trips acrossIMG_7126 Europe so that you don’t have to worry. Going on a Euroventure means that you can get to where you want to be by staying in the best hostels with all your train reservations along the way sorted for you.

    We also love a bit of freedom, so you can choose completely where you stop off and how IMG_7124long you have where on the way to your Stoke Travel festival. Planning it all yourself can be a bit of a pain in the arse, and we get that, but it just turns out we are really good at it. So let us help you plan the ultimate travelling experience across Europe to get you to your Stoke Travel festival already nicely warmed up!

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